Not particularly - the X3 has the same chrome grille.
Not particularly - the X3 has the same chrome grille.
"Wacklemore"...I'm totally stealing that.
I dream about that every morning...reading a book, playing games on my phone, staring out the window...that'd be nice. Unfortunately, I live on the north side, work on the west side, and have to drop my kids off at school in between. My public transit options all involve multiple transfers.
Note that the coupon code for the Element 10,400mAh external charger only seems to work for the black version.
Yessir! So did you spend this morning going 9mph behind people who already forgot how to drive on snow, all while bobbing & weaving around foot-deep potholes?
I was more worried about the ticket price being jacked up so high that it became the exclusive playground of rich guys in six-figure supercars, corporate junkets, and automakers who want to use "performance tested on the famed Nürburgring" as a marketing tool (though the latter is already fairly common).
Of course she's real. Otherwise why would she bother writing a whole song telling us as much?
"We know it's an inconvenience. We're sensitive to that."
I like this idea a lot more than the overly-complex one linked from the article, though I'm sure it will seem "mean" or "harsh" to some. But come on - monitoring toy usage and making notes on habits and preferences? Ain't nobody got time for that. Plus, with your friend's idea, a bunch of unused toys are…
Thanks for sharing your experiences - I didn't know that about Regents.
I like this idea, specifically because faucet extenders tend to get pretty grungy after a while, and can be tough to clean...unlike the faucet extenders sold at babies/kids store, this one can be tossed in the trash & replaced whenever it starts looking nasty, with no concerns about wasting money.
Let's just go ahead and change your post to "I don't like cruises and am not particularly interested in articles about them, but I clicked the link anyway and posted a snarky comment because I just can't resist trolling..."
I think the worry is embers, but also the sheer heat of a house fire wafting up through the chute and causing whatever combustible material that lies at the top of the chute to catch fire.
I've thought about doing this, but am not convinced that a 3.5"-deep chute would be able to accommodate thick bath towels, bulky sweaters, etc. I live in a tall & skinny (4-levels with basically 2 rooms on each floor) townhouse, so a clog in the chute would require a lot more than a broomstick to work free.
In addition to the Brussels sprouts that JacksonAces brought up, fresh green beans are another quick, easy, and delicious one. They're cheap (a buck or two per pound), and prepping them is as easy as giving them a quick wash, snapping off the ends if you want, piling them intp one of those satellite-dish-looking…
YES! Since discovering how awesome & easy properly-cooked Brussels sprouts are, they've become a regular part of our dinner rotation.
But what if Texas doesn't float your boat? What if proximity to family/friends/job/specific locale prevent you from moving? What if your dream is to live in downtown Tokyo, or in an off-the-grid cabin in Alaska?
This advice is solid. In fact, just this morning I refilled an empty Method foaming Holly Berry bottle with liquid soap from a big Method Pink Grapefruit refill bag. I went with a 1/2-soap, 1/2-water mix, as I find it to be a little richer & sudsier.
Nice! I'm a Merkur/Feather user myself, and have found no reason to look back. I started with an Edwin Jagger, but I knew that would be a "training razor" for me, and when I scored a 1953 Gillette Super Speed, I liked it so much I thought it would be the last razor I ever buy...until I got my hands on a customized…
Ah yes, forgot about that other key part: if I want to eat the Zuni chicken on Saturday evening, I have to shove herbs under its skin, cover it with salt & pepper, and stick it in the fridge tomorrow evening, Friday evening at the latest.