CP. It's a great looking car and something I wouldn't mind owning, but not at that price. Plus, while often drool over E30s, sometimes they just look like old Mazda 323s to me.
CP. It's a great looking car and something I wouldn't mind owning, but not at that price. Plus, while often drool over E30s, sometimes they just look like old Mazda 323s to me.
what, do they use bubblegum to hold those wheels on?
still using my original Droid and it's still a good phone. A little laggy but much more solid than other phones I have played with. Holding out for something better just not seeing anything yet. But since VZW doesn't offer the "new every two" deal anymore, I'm in no rush.
grandkids across the country will be devastated when they don't receive those birthday cards from grandma with the $10 check.
perfect LA taxi.
how dare you cry fowl!
also, anything made by acura the past 3 or years.
2012 Honda Civic. From class leader to bottom feeder overnight.
neat. but waaaaaaaaaaaaaay toooooooooooooo sloooooooooooooow.
GOD HELP US ALL! Still sounds better than "SCIENCE, SAVE OUR CHILDREN!" Either way, we are fucked.
woah. when did simon cowell start taking roids?
beautiful. it amazes me how many great cars there are at different price points. whether you have 30, 60, or 120k to spend, there's plenty of tough competition out there.
this is the US Weekly of tech blogs.
agreed. the one with the 456GT cues is pretty good to look at though.
just saw a Delorean on the road for the first time in downtown San Fran the other night. Sounded horrible but looked great!
Hyundai Tiburon.
3 things: 1980s Testarossa - favorite car as a kid. The original Need for Speed on PlayStation. And my first car - a 1986 Saab 900s with 159,000 miles. Had a lot of fun in that car.
touchdown rocks. That was the first app i bought when i got my Droid. they have done some nice updates to it as well. just a great product and well worth the $$ for the features you get.
i thought the whole hp/webos project was pretty strange. if you're releasing a tablet now and you're not Apple, why not just go with Android? Or just wait til Windows 8 is available.
there was a guy on the news a few years back talking about how he commutes to work in DC from VA on a Segway. I think it was about or 5-6 mile commute.