
that's pretty cool.

on a Wipeout-like obstacle course make specifically for block's fiesta.

agree. with this format they are comparing apples to oranges. much prefer the head-to-head-to-head-to-head etc comparison format C&D uses because the scores are relative and they make sense. All we know with this car is that its 30 points worse than the McLaren MP4—12c. Good to know since I have been

i hope micro machines does something like this to celebrate their anniversary.

good point. i think that's sort of the problem with one off reviews that include a points system. you really lose the context. that's why i think same-class comparisons are more helpful. When reviewing a single car you really don't need the points. Just a concluding paragraph that either recommends the car or

sounds wonderful and looks great but needs a hysterectomy stat!

thanks. for a second i thought that was an old eclipse out there.

i heard she only says that to ugly people so they will put her down and go buy another phone. she feels so icky when you hold her.

thanks. you just ruined my vacation next week.

u serious?

exactly. took these guys 5 seconds to come up with this.

ya and the minty fresh smell will last 12 hours. easier than chewing trident too.

oh and one more thing:

why don't they just put a spoiler on it so it looks faster. seems to work with the toyota corolla s. #jalopnik

limbless people use less fuel. we should remove our limbs. also, didn't people invent carpooling so all the fatties could go to work in one fatty van?

honestly just looks like a breakfast themed toilet complete with spoon-shaped flushing mechanism. now just need to fill it to the brim with cocoa puffs.

if it's my money: CP. this is actually one of the ugliest cars of all time and the price at least doubles if you want it to leave the garage regularly. if i'm some rich dude just looking to add an old italian exotic to my stable: NP.

with the emergence of the super luxury performance suv market i'm just waiting for Bugatti to unveil their new 40,000bhp monster truck that gets .01 mpg.

good point. for 43k he could find something a lot better for his mom.

oh come on! already had my pants down by my ankles. i was almost there and