You can use an HSA balance for a down payment on a house? I have some sitting in an account and my company is going to start dinging me $5/mo for maintenance. Was going to cash out for a vasectomy but this (may) be a better use of funds.
You can use an HSA balance for a down payment on a house? I have some sitting in an account and my company is going to start dinging me $5/mo for maintenance. Was going to cash out for a vasectomy but this (may) be a better use of funds.
Good effort. You miss 100% of the takes you don’t take.
Came here for this.
I in no way support any of what this administration does and think the majority of them (and other Republicans) should be jailed or sent to Gitmo. That being said, my two toddlers routinely climb into our dog’s cage and hang out.
+1 childhood memory
Fuck Quebec “smoked meat.” Charcuterie lunch packs in the grocery stores on the other hand...
Fucking fascists.
Also, where do I go to get a regular diet of flaming hot Spurs takes?
See...this “fuck the owner” attitude was exactly what I was hoping wouldn’t be the case with the Spurs. I have enough of that in my life.
I was born into Mets and Jets fandom. I can relate.
This is my first year rooting for Tottenham. As an American Mets and Jets fan I have a true understanding of decades-long incompetence and failure. I basically quit the NFL and started following the EPL this year because I have a 3 year old boy and I can’t morally sanction raising him to care about American football…
I have first hand knowledge of NYC masons fully intoxicated during work hours. If they get caught they just get shuffled by the union to another construction site.
Don’t forget this Manafort near-own:
Paul’s actions at Baylor are downright pious compared to today’s standards there.
Except...he does Question.
There’s still time to add this as a Deadspin Awards category.
They won’t stop until they have a complete command economy that funnels resources to their donors.
I’ll never forget the Romanian trains whose toilets “flushed” by opening a hole to the track below. They strongly discouraged their use when stopped at a station.
Growing up my old man would always tell me about that Marino-O’Brien shootout in ‘86.