This episode basically confirmed Renee is a spy, and Martha's moment was the highlight by far.
This episode basically confirmed Renee is a spy, and Martha's moment was the highlight by far.
The writing and stuff for the Francesca episodes is good, but I don't sense any chemistry whatsoever between the two of them and Francesca's actor isn't great. The extended run time as mentioned also does no favors for the show, 30 minutes a piece is exactly where it should be.
The reviews this season of Fargo have been getting is nothing short of nonsense especially compared to the other seasons of that show. AVC makes little sense sometimes.
Lynch always does this. He is all about that T&A, Mulholland Drive says hello.
Lynch is a perv. Always has been.
That was great but next week is what this whole thing has been leading up to. I pray that Old Nora isn't another alternate reality thing, that the machine is real or something like that.
Laura Harring in MD lord have mercy I'll never forget.
Montana has some pretty scenery but seems to be a shithole otherwise. One of those places that's fine to visit but terrible to live in.
Better episode than before but I'm still annoyed at how much of a total amateur Varga is yet he's supposed to be the big bag of the season. He's pathetic.
De Niro and DDL did it with enough success that it outweighed the nightmares they were for the crew, but generally it's a transparent excuse to be a dick.
Driver is a great actor and Ren is the best thing about the new trilogy, but it was debunked long ago that being method off-camera to this extent makes any difference. I guess some actors say they need to do it to perform at their best, but I've always thought it's more of a stuck up actor thing.
Yup. He isn't good.
This is pure filler, plain and simple. Just kind of embarrassing after the previous episodes, and sends worrying signs about the future as they run out of material from the book. The show is about Offred and her environment, veering away from her should only happen in service of relevant world building to her…
It became unwatchable during S2 in my opinion, and never got better than the S1 pilot which had more promise than any pilot I can remember seeing in a long time.
I don't care if it's weird, it makes Superman not boring for the first time in ages. The plot in this game beats the shit out of BvS and Man of Steel.
Do girls actually like that kind of look?
It's very bizarre, like the blonde has no ambitions at being a real actress but Daddario kind of does, so they're trying to not go too revealing on her outfits yet they still have scenes where she just talks about Zac Efron looking at her boobs.
So stupid.
The clip of Alexandra Daddarrio just talking about her boobs in front of Zac Efron for a minute was depressing not just as a representation of this movie, but her career ever since True Detective.