Unrelated to the suicide aspect, but I’m so tired of men telling women’s stories of being raped.
Unrelated to the suicide aspect, but I’m so tired of men telling women’s stories of being raped.
Ugh, I just wish news outlets would show his pic BEFORE his legal team gave him the nerdy, well-bred, Republican boy makeover.
A lot of suicide prevent specialists said the show itself, not just the death scene, was problematic. Apparently when young suicide is glammorized or discussed often on the news, there is an increase in the suicide rates of teens/young adults.
I allowed one of my former student teachers to read the book with a class of my 9th grade students and deeply regret it. It’s reprehensible tragedy porn, with no legitimate conversation/awareness of mental health, and it uses the suicide of the main character as a titillating aspect of her manic pixie dead dream girl…
I mean, what’s irresponsible (and what people are mad about) is less the bare fact that you depicted the act of suicide, and more that you depicted the act of suicide as a glamorous, romanticized event and portrayed it as effective revenge against the people “at fault” for her death.
“This response was actually quite surprising to me.”
“This rule could really prevent ruining a lot of young men’s women’s lives.”
Words can’t express my love of The Slot’s coverage of Chaffee.
Why limit this to athletes?
This rule could really ruin some young men’s lives.
I got my diagnosis nine years ago, and discovered a ton of my peculiarities shared by other autistics. this is the first time I’ve heard about others sharing my preference for crisp apples and running up the stairs on all fours (when I was young :-)
This is exactly how it was for me...diagnosed in my 40s due to looking into a diagnosis for my son. Another wrinkle, though — as a transwoman, the fact that I had female-typical manifestations meant that I went even more under the radar until after my transition.
I’m glad Andromeda separated the actual flirts into their own responses.
I had no idea I had any degree of ASD until sometime in the middle of my sophomore year of high school, in the midst of one of the worst suicidal depressive phases of my life. Discovering and identifying Asperger’s saved my life. For once in my life I no longer felt like I was practically alien, that I just couldn’t…
The shrink who diagnosed me literally described asperger’s as a kind of pathological hyper masculinity.
My younger brother is autistic.
He’s basically the smartest and most creative kid I’ve ever met... ever since he was a baby he just shined.
I worry so much about him because even though we accept who he is fully and love him through the good days and the bad... the world doesn’t and I have little hope the world will…
There are a couple of angles you could go through. THere’s a lot of shit involving monsters and people fighting, and learning that monsters are just sentient beings with their own issues.