Wind Makes Fire Dance

I’d like to take this time to plug a tumblr blog called Shit People Say to Women Directors, which highlights issues women in film (mostly directors, but also other positions like producers, camera operators, etc) have to deal with on a regular basis.

Thank you for bringing that up. It’s important to remember. Definitely what I wrote isn’t an exhaustive list, so that’s my bad. I was just trying to do an overview. I know he was also horrible to Leslie jones.

I was at a work conference once and this woman I had just met asked if I had kids and when I said no she said “oh, you’re enjoying (country where I live)“ like I was eating bonbons or wasting time or something. She had recently had a baby and Got Religion but still. She had no idea who I was. I could’ve been infertile

What do you mean ‘you people’?!

You have done me a service, good madam.

I was looking for a message in the petals...

Ohhhh... that’s a good one! I thought about, “Had one. Didn’t like it. Traded it in for a dog. Like the dog.” As crass as I am, even I’m not that bold yet.

Same. “My husband doesn’t help as much as I thought he was going to” is a familiar refrain.

I got hitched at the end of February. I have since had to contend with a bunch of people sticking their nose in my business, going “when are you having children??” bitch i’m NOT, get the fuck out my face. I also didn’t change my last name to match my husband’s, so clearly I am a devil woman.

I’ve told the longer story elsewhere on Jezebel but the short of it is my wife almost died from an ectopic pregnancy. We generally fall back on “well we tried but God tried to kill my wife so I figure its out of our hands. Take it up with him.”

Activities and snacks with your gal pals sounds pretty good. Would sign up for this club. Turn of the 21st Century-style, too.

Me, defiantly:

Mrs. OB is Taiwanese, and not adjusting to the open racism of the south well. We’ve both singly, and together, made trips to other areas of the country, and have come to the conclusion that racism is universal, but the South apparently feels more comfortable with its open racism. Unfortunately, the fiasco in DC has

“vagina” “breasts” “women are human beings.”


Ignoring Trump’s tweets is like ignoring the violent drawings and angry rants that a maladjusted high schooler writes in his notebook. It will all seem harmless until he follows through with his hate, and we’re all standing around saying “I never thought he would actually go through with it.”

I am legit shocked that they were fired and that the GA police didn’t try some United-esque, BS reframing.