Wind Makes Fire Dance

That’s what I was referring to, I should have been more specific. To be clear I’m glad it fails now matter the reason, but it still scares me that there is a sizable chunk (majority?) of the GOP that want to pass an even worse healthcare bill in the future.

“me vs the media” Where have I heard this before?

Yeah today was okay . . .

I’m going to go out on a limb here and just say I’m confident a 30 times Pulitzer prize winning publication is not losing sleep over kids with webcams.

You had seven fucking years to do your homework.

I’ll say it before and I’ll say it again, the problem wasn’t that Pewdiepie’s joke was offensive. The problem was that the joke was offensive and unfunny. You can get away with a lot of crass jokes if you’re talented enough and know how to provide the right context. Just look at It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. They

Trump’s already been on the phone with the “Failing NYT” and said that his plan is now to just sit back and wait until healthcare fails and then blame it on the Democrats.

It goes some way to show how far removed from reality the GOP is that it has WH, House and Senate and can’t even get a vote on a bill it’s been planning for 7 years.

This is what happens when ideology becomes unhinged from reality.
At a certain point it just no longer fits.

I like this moment from earlier today.

I’d rather a fetus be aborted than read another story about how someone was murdered because of their condition.

In fact, I think God’s Plan for this dude is a pair of smashed kneecaps, and I’m feeling a calling from the Lord.

I ran into my rapist, an ex-boyfriend, who hugged me when he saw me. He clearly has no awareness of what happened and doesn’t see it as a rape or even an assault. He’s a POS.

Anyone bringing theological debate to a secular legislature should be disqualified. Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, you asshole.

I’ve been watching C-Span, and every time a Republican congressperson stops speaking, the following Democrat tells them exactly how many people in that Republican’s district will lose healthcare if this bill passes. It’s brilliant.

Viagra and prostate cancer.

We had a similar exercise conducted at a hospital I worked at about 5 years ago. Our “trainer” was a knowledgeable, former FBI agent & just about the kindest man you could ever meet. The first thing he told us was, “you’re not Jack Bauer so stop pretending to be”. He said they’d get calls all the time about people

in fact, he stressed that there is no such thing as a profile of a workplace shooter because they basically share almost nothing in common.

Meh. She’s clearly just relocating the body of one of Hillary’s many murder victims. Nothing to see here.

Funny detail. There are men who are at high risk of breast cancer (very small percentage). Doctors recommend that men who have high risk factors get regular mammograms

I always hear cops in interviews say “There’s always going to be a bad apple...” But they forget the intent of that idiom.... Bad apples spoil the whole bunch.