Wind Makes Fire Dance

But better make sure that viagra is covered and we all pay for it! After all, ladies benefit from it too, nudge nudge wink wink say no more.

Keep giggling dickfuck, men get breast cancer too.

Here’s my most popular recipe.

yeah, their weird aversion to the word but not the act itself baffles me. it’s like “sure, i’ve raped people but don’t you dare call me a rapist!”

Most people do not understand that the First Amendment’s protection of Freedom of Expression only protects you from government retribution for protected speech.

It does not—and has never—protected you from private or economic consequences visited upon you by an employer, a litigant, or any other individual or group that

I can definitely understand your decision. I’m so sorry that happened. I can understand though—I sometimes behave oddly or say weird things because of the PTSD [and just having been raised by my parents, which meant a lack of acculturation, living in an insulated Jewish community, etc. and most people don’t really

We had men in my lab that you were told to avoid too. Like an underground safety net. The excuses were always present though too.

And I don’t want to hear a voice that reminds me that the actor thinks my race is inherently violent and criminal.

Good god, the bigot apologists are out in force today.

Not impressed. Seems like she only became vocal about the Republican party’s racist rhetoric when it directly concerned her and her Japanese-American heritage. Guess gay bashing, mysogny and gerrymandering blacks out of the vote was just a-ok with her until then.

Not as elaborate as here, but sometimes the lie isn’t that an assault happened, but rather who had done the assaulting.

WORD! So much word!! I have longstanding physical pain issues and a lot of PTSD, so marching for hours on end alongside shouting people is HELL. Meanwhile most rallies don’t offer seating for people who need it, or a safe way for people in wheelchairs to participate in marches, or any of the other things that

The worst part about unpaid internships is that it means only people who have outside financial support can have the opportunity and get the experience.

 The MRA, MGTOW, and PUA communities are filled with white men panicking about cuckoldry. They obsessively consume interracial cuckold porn and think it’s real life and then they stew and percolate in their online white supremacist radicalisation machines and then out comes this.

Timothy Caughman was murdered because he was Black and yet the media still paints him as the problem. Here’s how the Daily News reported this:

He was very good in Selfie. I really liked that show.

It’s worth remembering Scalzi’s Law: The failure mode of “clever” is “asshole.” In my case, this just baffled me, but I can see how some people might take it the exact wrong way.

This is why I never answer the phone unless I know who it is and my voicemail message is automated.

I know (from other comments) what this was supposed to be about, but it reads waaaay too much like a smarmy poke at the various groups (such as LGBT people, people of color, etc.) that have had to fight for a long time for inclusion. For queer people especially, there’s still a lot of folks out there who view our

Broader question that I have never understood: How do non-medical professionals have the ability to legislate on medical procedures?