
As someone who doesn't have much love for X3, I think Rogue and the cure are the things it handles the best. It's her decision and it's not forced unto her. It's no different than operations for dangerous diseases or conditions. Then again, the Mutant Metaphor doesn't make a whole lot of sense when you think about it

The main character has a fork from the surface world as part of her collection of items from humans.

Did you even read what you just typed? The people in that warehouse, save Martha, are criminals holding an innocent woman hostage. They turned their weapons on Batman when he tried to save her. You might as well call SWAT teams who are given kill on sight orders murderers. Also, the other criminals he killed attacked

Don't you mean "out of forks to give"?

You wanna get silly? Let's get silly!

I wasn't aware killing in defense of others was deemed murder. I guess anyone who's ever been forced to kill in self defense or defense of others is a monster.

Up until that moment Batman didn't even see Superman as a person. He saw him as a weapon that needed to be destroyed. Hearing the name only made him pause and even then it's not until Lois shows up and pieces it together for him he realizes his mistake. The name does not make Batman suddenyl be friends with Superman

Um, Luthor has created weapons that backfired on him before in the comics and other mediums. And the daddy issues isn't something this movie invented either.

That is an insult to the Antichrist.

I think it did some good things but honestly I feel like it wasn't the best portrayal of Hippolyta and the Amazons.

She's always been immortal even before the daughter of Zeus origin.

From what I heard the sales for Legend of WW were good enough to get it a sequel.

Kingpin on Daredevil was also interesting.

Batman has equipped his vehicles with weaponry in the comics before.

I don't think Marvel bribes critics into giving good reviews of their movies and giving bad reviews of DC's. I do, however, feel that perhaps Marvel/Disney have indoctrinated critics and audiences to what their idea of what a superhero movie should be and when someone comes along and does something different, it gets

I'm pretty sure he knew where Lois was was because he was following her given Lois' nature.

Adaptations leave things out all the time. Age of Ultron has little in common with the book of the same name besides being a story where Ultron is an antagonist.

The Kryptonians, with the exception of Clark, are extremely arrogant and blind to their own flaws. Of course, that line sounds dumb coming from her. That's clearly the point.

And btw. I'm not a Marston's fanboy. My first exposure to WW was the Jimenez run where the Amazons had a civil war. I also far prefer the Perez and Rucka runs. I'm sure you'd like to write me off as just a Marston's fanboy who's too attached to the Golden Age but that is far from the case.

To each their own I guess.