Windier E. Megatons

Were there, like, jokes in this set?

There is nothing I hate more than the whole "Oh, what will they do if the team wins??" bullshit, which was also applied to Red Sox fans prior to 2004. The answer is that the team becomes just another team, not the team famous for losing, which is literally all 99.99% of Cubs fans have ever wanted. Plenty of people

Well, with any luck there WON'T be a big Cubs game Sunday night.

I'm guessing that was supposed to be "demagogue," not "demigod."

If "implied deaths" count, why does Star Wars not count? How do I know all the people in those ships didn't eject at the last second?

Wild Wild West is leaving October 31????? But what will I watch to celebrate Ulysses S. Grant's 195th birthday next April?

Muskie was a Democratic politician of the Nixon period who was known as a staunch environmentalist.