
“In addition, each headlight has 20 of so called RGB-LEDs (RGB stands for the red-green-blue colour space) to make the two cars identifiable. The number 1 Porsche 919 Hybrid is illuminated in magenta, the number 2 car can be recognised by its blue light.”

Thank you for the laugh this morning :)

Like most of the kool-aid drinkers posting here I am not a fan boi rushing in to defend the performance merits of the Porsche ethos. 

Kung Fury was brilliant.

Can anyone show me an example of how you narrate a video of your personal design while not coming off like an insufferable douche?

No problem. The Ohlins suspension is height adjustable :)

What ever happened to the Freddy Hernandez Jetta?

If it was titled as a Suzuki no Smog/DEQ inspection station would be looking for an OBD Port.

Like this?

Speaking of trololololol

Your also “the guy” who thinks the 911 looks like a bug.

I’ve never had any electrical issues.

I’m not saying The TT is practical for anything more than 2 occupants and their gear but it does have a back seat.

More for me!

Did we just become best friends?!