
I'm in Portland, so this chart can go fuck itself.

Yeah, I'm calling bullshit on this. I like medium and dark beers, but they seem to think the only stuff on those lists are stouts, pale ales, and IPAs (okay, some black lagers which is nice).

Invalidated from the start when it asks if you prefer light, medium or dark beer. No serious beer geek would use those because it can describe appearance (which it is doing here), body, taste. This seems built for the "Guinness is dark, so it must be heavy" crowd.

...a YoutYube series about statistics

This is simply an untrue statement. Most studies on homebirth on the US (and some others elsewhere as well) show that homebirth is much more dangerous than hospital birth. And the fact is, the raw data say the same thing: you can run them yourself on the CDC Wonder Database. The Cochrane review you cited is known to

We already know what happens when people give birth at home, since for thousands of years, everyone did precisely that—with grim results. I've read mortality statistics upwards of 1 in 5 just a century ago.

Maybe they shouldn't have, you know, VOTED for it. Just saying

That leaves the ultimate conclusion up to the reader of both analyses

If you believe the law was intended to protect Hindu photographers then you are an idiot.

That leaves the ultimate conclusion up to the reader of both analyses.

The three cowards got spooked when the national media pick up the story. They were down with the hate until sunlight reached legislation.

Your first two, 100% correct. But FUCK Day Light Savings. Not changing the clocks is the one thing AZ does right.

I see Disney can't get past the Disney Princess art cues.

Now playing

There is never a bad time to post this video...

I tried to make the sarcasm as obvious as possible.

"'A maiden voyage for an oversized 12' would be an incomplete sentence in my Washington classroom."
-Mary Kay Letourneau

Regarding gluten-free diets for kids- I got to call someone out on the bullshit about this recently, and it was great fun.

What if I told you that there shouldn't be a comma in that sentence, but there should be a question mark at the end?

I'm not trying to be an asshole, I live in Wisconsin and have driven my entire life in snow. I understand how people unaccustomed to it can lost their shit when it gets slick. It happens here, too.