A friend of mine just received delivery of his Z06 from a dealer in Georgia. You may note from my nom de keyboard that we live in Portland. The Oregon version, not the one in GA.
A friend of mine just received delivery of his Z06 from a dealer in Georgia. You may note from my nom de keyboard that we live in Portland. The Oregon version, not the one in GA.
Three things to add:
I sure hope that I am able to remember to buy this one for my son for Christmas when it comes out. I wonder if there will be anything that will remind me about it in November...?
It is all about ethics in gaming journalism.
Technically, the biggest shareholder of GM was the Chinese during the bailout since China is the largest buyer of US Treasury notes.
If you'd like to participate in Letters to Doug, just remember that you can e-mail me at Letters2Doug@gmail.com, or Tweet me at @DougDeMuro. Names will be changed to protect the letter-writer, in case you want to admit something embarrassing, like the fact that you're thinking about purchasing a Volkswagen Touareg.
His company was called Agri-Line. Here is a piece on the nozzles from the company he sold the business to:
What part of the country? My grandfather was a crop duster in Central Oregon, but had transitioned almost exclusively to aerial tankers and inventing spray nozels by the time I was old enough to work in his hanger.
This was exactly what I was going to post. With all the soccer moms out there that purportedly care about the environment and the future world that their brood will inherit, you would think a tot-hauler that gets more than 20 MPG would be a huge seller.
I am just impressed that they have three different camera angles for a women's basketball game on the SEC network.
You are a funny man, Tim Burke!
Loved the floor mounted dimmer switch in my '67 Cougar. Would love to have them again.
Except it is about 10,000 to 15,000 feet low if it was making a bombing run.
I haven't read the Boston Mag article yet, but your discussion of it reminded me a bit of this piece from Jason Notte that ran on Marketwatch yesterday:
I was a Psyop loudspeaker operator in the Army back in the late 80's & early 90's. If you cranked a little Wagner on the box you could get a helecopter pilot to do just about anything for you.