
There are a few down here in Portland, but mostly in the 'burbs (Hillsboro). Oddly enough, there is one smack-dab right in the middle of Hipster Central - the Hawthorne district. Have no idea how they stay in business.

They actually started in the little town of Sisters over in Central Oregon. Figured if Deschutes could open a brew pub in the Pearl District, why couldn't they open a coffee shop.

Now playing

Would like to recommend looking for rescue dogs even if you want a particular breed. We weren't specifically looking for a lab when we got our dog, but lucked into a wonderfully sweet pup that had been badly abused and abandoned.

Now playing

A whiff on the Northwest. Oregon is much more hostile toward Californians:

Agree completely! I don't care what the hell the Cross Blue looks like as long as it comes with the plug-in hybrid diesel that they showed last year. Heck, I would even go with something with only 5 or 6 passenger seating with that power train. And be quick about it already!

Would like to nominate two:

Agree 100% on the mayo. Spread some on the outside of the bread and you will have the best grilled cheese ever!

Actually, Harbaugh did not "stop the Oregon option at Stanford." Shaw did last year, but Harbaugh (and Luck) only won in 2009 and it was a track meet. 51-42 is hardly solving the offense.

Au contraire, there is always at least one 9 volt in the house:

That is actually a pretty big source of water for a nice small bucket like that. If there aren't any pools convenient to a fire, wildland firefighters set up these little beauties:

Poor cat, he just wanted to catch a... fowl ball.

Airborne Leads the Way!

I guess they needed all those layoffs today to clear up some salary cap space.

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It was a beautiful sight. The Vine hardly does justice to the crowd that was there to make that young boy's day. As a parent of two young kids, it breaks my heart to think of kids having to deal with shit like cancer, but it heals a lot of heartache to see how much people care.

I saw the headline and clicked through to specifically post the Red Fang video if it wasn't included in the list.

I don not approve of THIS TIE.

Only piece of marital advice given to me by my father-in-law, and I pass it along to all I know. Everybody ought to have a maid.

Seriously, does nobody read any non-Gawker media around here? Pumice raft is from the Havre Seamount, per Wired: