
Oh for fucks sake Charlie Strong is one of the few people in college football who doesn’t seem like the scum of the earth. One who actually takes the idea of helping players grow as individuals seriously. This is a judge in Florida. If Strong is the first thing out of south Florida to have caused you shame, either

It’s good that Judge Taylor (who was apparently addressing Coach Strong as if he were actually present in the courtroom and has players not recruited by him under 24-hour surveillance and wearing magnetic boots on a metal floor to lock them into place) lives in a place where having a USF diploma has caused her no

If I know Balmer, the Clippers will be more stable after a small update and a reboot.

I did not, but I did forget the customary disclosure. This mistake has been fixed.

He was pulled over in the town of Covington when police noticed the bullet holes on his car...

There is no creature in American politics more puzzled over by Democrats than the angry, forgotten Trump voter. How

Man, what did I miss? The rest of us are watching OKC vs Houston.

I can explain it, if you’d like. See, dong is a synonym for home run.

Yes it is.

Oh, did you get lost? This is Deadspin, hon.

It was the most NFL players that have ever attended a White House visit EVER!

There is incredible need for this. The general populous is so ignorant as to where there tax money goes it leads to bad policy. I was just talking to a friend this weekend and he was talking about the debt and how we need to get spending under control. I asked him what he would like to cut the military,