The W!N Center of Hard Truth & Good Humor

Who are YOU to decide what detracts from the site? Why does YOUR opinion matter so much more than the writer and editor’s opinions?

Change the typical white-people approach, which you're using right now you tone-deaf idiot, and the coverage would probably change! 

He added that, “Intelligence and law enforcement’s long-standing political policing of the left while simultaneously ignoring or even aiding literal fascists was one of the driving forces behind the January 6 attempted coup.”

Monster trucks are for kids, leave your penile speculations out of it

Say less. 

Look up ‘white guy with sword’ and see how few of them get shot. Fucking Dylann Roof shot up a church and the cops took him to McDonald's! Whatever the fuck she was doing, the response was overkill in comparison to how the police treat paler, more respectable perpetrators. Nice try, though! (not really, apologist

I believe this fits the definition of the word ‘Meltdown’ quite well, but there’s some serious concerns being addressed here... Before and after the ‘I’m gonna publicly confess to cheating on my boyfriend’ part.

You’re right, those children DESERVED a violent, creepy assbag as a substitute teacher! Serves them right for acting their age!

Schizophrenic people usually keep their craziness-and their fucking HANDS-to themselves. This guy is just an entitled assbag who also believes in the Bible. 

I'm triggered. My black ass been rocking NASCAR jackets since the mid-2000s...

1st Gear-HURR DURR HARLEY BOOMER HARLEY BOOMER! Fuck boomers and fuck YOU, Mr. Raphael Fucking Orlove, for making the same tired-ass joke every time you have to type Harley-Davidson in. Maybe check the buyer demographics before you try to make fun of the buyers?

PROTIP: Read on a mobile device to avoid the slideshow! 

How about FUCK YOU??? some of us LIVE in these cities and have to deal with it everyday, and here you are bitching about an article you can scroll past and didn’t have to actually read.

My solution is more accessible counseling and therapy, broad-scale economic reform and development and mandatory income. People tend not to kill each other when they're not poor and struggling with mental issues. 

You would have to SHOW compassion for people to see it.

BOTH OF THESE ARE TRASH LISTS! How are so many people not hip to Shottas!?!

Right? I live in the “inner city” and fucking NOBODY gouges eyes! You'll get your face slashed before you get your eye gouged. 

As a gun owner, I can’t see how you could support such arbitrary, pointless ‘reforms’ that amount to nothing but grandstanding. Nobody’s ever done a public shooting with a ghost gun or a pistol brace, and they’re STILL not addressing the societal issues that cultivate these shooters... Just more toothless, great soundi

I think they WANT their constituents dying of gun violence, and drugs and whatever else they can fob off on the society they’re supposed to protect. It’s all light Darwinism and college-level eugenics. 

None of these are good for stopping criminals with intent from buying guns.