
Um, who asked you for your initial comment in this thread? Who asked anyone? We can do this forever.

God, you know this is exactly what’s going to happen.

I’m very late to this article, but I always felt like the Morrison/Moore beef had less to do with comics and more to do with the fact that they are both self-professed practitioners of the occult.

Could be, even on a subconscious level, Morrison had already decided he wasn’t going to like Watchmen, because maybe he saw

Does anybody have a bag of rice big enough to put the league in?

Everything you just described is why Japanese TV gives me almost an anxiety reaction.

“Well my people are still in the clear. It was those other different ones over there.”

If the shield fogging up is such an issue, you’d think they would engineer a cage-type shield like NFL facemasks.

Yeahhh.. I was hoping to see Birmingham or Atlanta on this list. I would love to see them but idk about the five-hour drive to Nashville for me.

Immanuel Velikovsky would like a word. This whole idea was central to his Worlds in Collision almost seventy years ago. Granted, most of it was junk science, but it’s always interesting when there turns out to be a kernel of truth in something that had been dismissed decades ago.

Meanwhile Zeke Elliott has led the league 2 out of 3 years and somehow he can’t even get in this discussion.

He also elected to kick extra points on three separate occasions when a successful kick resulted in an 11 point deficit and a successful 2-pt conversion would have resulted in a 10 point deficit.

That Twilight Zone segment was extremely racist.

It doesn’t really seem like an overpay. He’s a 24 year old receiver with two Pro Bowls under his belt and he’s inarguably changed the Dallas offense for the better. Right now that pick is a #25. There’s virtually zero chance that a WR picked next year at #25 would deliver this kind of impact in his first year.

Jettisoning a star receiver in a pass-happy league

Nah. It was just funny. You’re reading way too much into it.

Sean was one of the best to ever play the game

My gf is chronically late to everything. I’ve started just lying and moving the start times up when she asks. “Oh the movie starts at 7:30, we better get a move on.” Then when we leave the house at 7:25, we get to the theater fifteen minutes early for the 8pm showing. Trickery is okay when you’re dealing with people

Since we’re all giving our steak recipes (and every other commenter hates them), here’s mine. This works for my taste and equipment, your mileage may vary.

This is for thicker, 1-1/2" type steaks.

-Cast iron skillet, medium-high heat. No oil in the pan.

I’m sorry that you still enjoy this show so much. It’s been trash for years but this season has really reached a new low.

This post reminds me of the kids in high school who would never miss an opportunity to lecture about how nobody cares about American football, and why do we even call it football, and what kind of a sport lets fat guys play, and do you even know how much athleticism is required to play soccer, and god we’re just all