
Yeah I’m drawing a blank here. I have no idea what scene this person is talking about.

I saw this movie this past weekend and enjoyed it. That said, I still felt pretty disappointed simply because this film is being buried under insane amounts of hyperbole. Stuff like “the scariest film since The Exorcist” and “people had to leave the theater” gave me really unreasonable expectations for what amounted

seeing random interactions between NPCs based on individual NPC stats, emotions and inventories has always intrigued me and the times I saw it in oblivion always excited me.

The truth will fall in the middle: Bitcoin isn’t going to replace fiat currency, instead governments will eventually mint their own fiat blockchain currencies.

For the record, SCOs are the worst thing to happen to the retail industry in my entire lifetime. It turns the front of Walmart into a TSA queue line. If people had to take off their shoes and belts to scan their own groceries, the line probably couldn’t get any slower.

Pusha T has what 1-2 songs that hit the top 100? How many does Drake have?

Even worse, now Home Depot employees have to write Hamilton Nolan articles.

Honestly, if I meet a self-declared “sports fan” under the age of 40 and they tell me that baseball is their favorite sport, that’s pretty eyebrow raising for me.

My best friend’s mother was from Thailand and she made amazing fried rice but she used ketchup in her recipe. I thought it was really weird but I couldn’t argue with the flavor. She explained to me that in parts of Asia ketchup is actually a pretty common ingredient in fried rice.

I don’t have kids so I’m not very familiar with Peppa Pig, but the way that both of their eyes are on the same side of their faces is pretty horrifying. I’d like to see some straight-on views of their faces (like those Simpsons images from a while back) so I can figure out exactly how disturbing this is.

Oddly the standard of behavior is much higher for players than it is for coaches, management and ownership.

my team of Widow, Hanzo

You never know how respective teams have players rated. He wasn’t necessarily the “highest rated” TE for everyone; he wasn’t even the first TE selected. Apparently he had a lower grade from Dallas’ scouts than Connor Williams which is also a position of need for them.

That was fun for show but the Cowboys were never going to draft that guy. They really wanted Connor Williams at that pick and they were on the phone with him while Philly was still on the clock.

I hope this isn’t super uncommon because I do this exact same thing. I had 1600 hours on Morrowind, which was the first game I went ham on like this (at least since games have been able to count your playtime). It’s a different type of game for sure, but I’ve got over 2,200 hours on Destiny 1.

I enjoy reading and doing mock drafts mostly to familiarize myself with the prospects and where they might fall, and also to get an idea of what positions other teams might be looking at.

Pros: thick lower legs and good bubble, probably from walking.

I’m more freaked out by people who handwrite their lowercase a’s to look like the typed version of a lowercase a.

And the other key is keeping it separate - on those 2 nights you’re gaming, you stay focused on gaming...but on the other 5 nights you aren’t, gaming isn’t part of your night at all.

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