This is the sort of thing that makes me glad San Francisco is hosting the Blue Angels that day.
@echo off: Here you go, sir. Truly incredible museum. Went there one day in summer '09 while on a trip to Germany and came back with over 800 pictures.
@hawkeye18: I could have written an article defending those cars, focusing on something like my 1985 Pontiac 6000 STE, which literally did get laughed at when I put it in a car show once. But it really was a good car for its time and, thanks to 20-plus years of careful service and maintenance by my father and being…
@applehead: Really? I never minded the back seat in mine, but for the fact it doesn't have shoulder belts back there and the windows can only go down halfway. I've always found my STE to be quite comfortable even on longer trips (and I've been riding in that thing literally since birth). But then again, not everyone…
1992-1995 Ford Taurus. When I was a kid my dad had a '94 GL 3.8 V6 sedan in the ubiquitous light blue with blue fabric seats as his company car, and I loved it.
@///Mink: Yeah, me too. I snapped it last October on New Montgomery across the street from the Palace Hotel.
@kbm123: Nope, my '85 is FWD with a 3-speed auto. It is the first model year to feature EFI, though, if that counts for anything.
@EmpNorton: Dangit, Nibbles hates me, too.
@EmpNorton: There are still a fair number around if you know where to look! I found several on a guy's lot in South Lake Tahoe.
@SagarikaLumos: It wouldn't happen to be this one, would it? Or maybe it's still a little too nice to be considered "ratty"...
@LandofID: That's because most of them weren't AWD. It wasn't available until 1988.
@brandegee: I'll see your Nubira wagon and raise you a Nubira 5-door hatch. They're out there, I saw a pewter one earlier this year in Oakland, CA while running errands with my grandmother.
@MCheese: How about the pickup variant? Here's a Transporter Tristar Syncro 4x4 double cab truck, said to be one of only about 500 of these "luxury" Transporter pickups made with the 4WD option. Roughly 1000 more Tristars were built with 2WD.
@PHIL: Funny you mention that one. I nominated the 6000STE, and mentioned in my post that the last one of those I saw was an '86 in a junkyard up in Windsor, CA last year. Coincidentally, the same yard had not one but TWO Grand Prix STEs. They had a black one and - doubly shocking - a white GP STE Turbo! I scraped…
@Laurent Fignewton: I think there's one of those in the carport of a house up in the Oakland (CA) hills. It's black and has been sitting in the same spot with the windows closed and an ashtray full of used cigarettes for several years. Shame, really. I'm not entirely certain whether it's a GTU but it was a nice RX-7…
Pontiac 6000 STEs. I own a 1985 model (making me the only A-body fanboy I've ever known), so that's the year most dear to me. I haven't seen another '85 STE in three years, when I shot this car along with my blue one in Oakland. The white car disappeared the next day and, apart from mine, I never saw another '85 STE…
@worthless_cos: Time to call up Tiger Woods and ask for a re-run before Elin gets away for good.
@Jim-Bob wants a B13 SE-R, but will settle for working air conditioning in his 353,000 mile Nissan Frontier.: Unfortunately you're right, but it's awesome when they at least try.
@snapoversteer fronts the prog-rock band Camber Tweel: Oh, it's been done before. Just not in LeMons.