
What color is the sky in the fantasy black/white world you live in?

I'm sure that's what every adult thinks when you open your mouth.

Reagan a madman? Nope, libtard mouthbreather. How about you put down the Howard Zinn and read some real history. Or continue making us laugh with your Oliver Stone bullshit.

Wow, sad what an echo chamber the comment section has become. How about instead of more lazy jokes about conservatives you guys (the commentators) call out Egypt for what a backwards, anti-Semitic, horrible country it really is? You are not RAAAYYYYCCCEEEESSSS if you do so.

Um yeah, and they made a tyrannical, horrible regime FUCKING SURRENDER with them. And America is a hell of alot more diverse than just a bunch of white people. Ugh, yet another ignorant mouthbreather who doesn't understand the U.S.

Ah, the Arab world. Your batshit backward crazy world never ceases to amaze me. That's why you'll always be the toilet of the planet until you get your shit together. Which will probably be never.