Courtney Wheeler

"could argue"…didn't say "better" haha

Yeah. I know what you're referring too. And the ironic thing about Shaq and Charles is that one could argue Charles was a better player. Shaq was just a better team-mate/smarter about his legacy. So Charles always comes off looking crazy during those panels.

LOL ugh such a great moment in Black history. :P

Agreed. Lebron criticisms are valid, but Charles Barkley is being incredibly hypocritical in his critique. Aint nobody got time for that.

Charles Barkley is one rant away from being Stephen A Smith… No bueno

It's hard for me to say this because Idris is bae….buuuut yeah Mahershala definitely has more depth in his acting.

That speech came from his heart. Mahershala Ali, what an amazing actor. I see good things in his future…

Im so hungry…I want tacos :(

Donald Trump is America's ex-boyfriend who feels the need to contact you every 3 years to tell you he's moved on to another relationship and he's really happy…

"Most importantly, spoken word makes everything worse."

Ha..yeah..im doing alright.

There was a time where I was horribly uncool because I didn't own Iceberg pants…

I've been called "Bougie" all my life, but it definitely had negative connotations to it. Now being bougie or "boujee" is all the rage.

"And you’ll think to yourself “Why the hell is Jaheim 1) touring and 2) having concerts in Arby’s parking lots?” But then you find yourself bored on that weekend, and you decide to hit up that Jaheim concert in the Arby’s parking lot, and you have a great time, and you leave thinking “Wow. I’m glad I attended that

The entire hearing produced a massive migraine inducing eyeroll from me…

My thing is…why do these chicks lie so much when dating apps are pretty much "thirsty receipts"

Leah had it coming. She came off as some wannabe "Gangsta Darth Becky" and got her feelings hurt across the board.