Courtney Wheeler

Sisters in solidarity…

With there Uggs and North Face fleeces!

This is an accurate statement

I actually have another black Vera Bradley duffle bag which is slightly low key ugly but I like it…it was expensive though. It was when i first got my "Adult" job and felt like stuntin a bit


I use to work at Starbucks in college…aka "satan's bung hole"
White Girl Starbucks tutorial…
17-26(summertime) Caramel frap…extra caramel sauce
(Fall) Pumpkin Spiced latte..skim milk
(Winter) Egg-nog latte…whole milk..

I was in a white girl's wedding party once and I got a Vera Bradley tote bag as a gift. It's ugly as sin but i use it sometimes as a over night bag. Always get compliments from girls in the office

Someone else's "yuck" is someone else's "yum"

You guys see a bunch of white girls…I just see a lot of caramel frappichino orders.

Well said..

Because Polo is from the motha land…
*rolls eyes*

I have a lot of male friends. One of my best friends is a guy…but I'm respectful. I always introduce myself. That type of behavior is "thirsty light."

Good peen clouds good judgment.. lol

Same here dear…

Yeah..you don't have female friends because they'r tired of you trying to suck all the attention out of the room. Tired of you low key flirting with their man.. Please.

They drive me nuts..you want to tell me how I'm letting European beauty standards make me NOT a queen but you'd bang a Katie Holmes looking broad in a minute when no ones watching.

It's lovely to feel love but I also know at the end of the day if homeboy aint around to do so…I can do it myself…even if it is lonely and/or scary

It all boils down to their definition of what a "real man"..which is obviously very different then what I think a man is…