Courtney Wheeler

I think it was a combination of all those things..it was just a solid season overall. Gyp was an annoyance to everything and everyone which I thought bobby played brilliantly. Capone was a good character(Stephen Graham) in a way where he showed how dumb/lucky/crazy/ and super insecure he truly was.

I have a really good story about Michael Shannon…incredible actor..kinda crazy in real life..

To defend Bobby Cannavale just a tad..by trade he's a theater actor..sometimes on TV he comes off a bit over dramatic but I always liked his work. Vinyl? Eh..it has promise. They're working on it though.

That's actually funny because the Gyp Rossetti season was the most watched I believed. I just miss Chalky White..

LMFAO Yeah..he that guy in your office that finds lame ways to talk to you. "Oh…I was just wondering if you were going to happy hour tonight..we could like share a cab or something."

She wants it…lmao It's a little hot to me… Maybe I'm a undercover "wildling" haha

The first three seasons of Dextor was good…then it got super dumb

I remember reading about the MadMen episode where it focused on the day Martin Luther King Jr. was killed. I thought it was an interesting way of portraying that.

It's a hilarious scene and I mean imagine someone looking at you like that across the the dinner table…like you're a smothered porkchop or something.

Yeah sometimes I felt like I was the only one watching Boardwalk Empire…such a underrated show.

I'm sure it's a great show and I heard they did comment on the idea of the corporate world and race back then quite accurately but I just never found the time to watch it…

Ive never wanted a relationship to work out so much than this one….theyre going to have such tall children. haha

I felt that way about MadMen…i watched one episode and thought "well i have no idea what's going on."

Seriously…F this guy and everything he stands for. Just because your an athlete and you decide to rape someone..which he did. You don't get brownie points for "being able to swim well".

Oh god…when they scratch your scalp….heaven

My sisters boyfriend was never a idiot…more like a giant dork. haha

*Honorable Mention* When your hairstylist is done putting in/styling your brand new sew in….