Wilson P. Dizard

Scrub doesn’t know that the wealthy people who fund most of the church’s expenses either bring checks already made out or tell their accountant to mail a check quarterly. Orange scrub also is riding in OUR car. F*cking scrub.

The Commerce Department’s NOAA Commissioned Officer Corps also is a military service, with 379 officers, 16 ships and 11 aircraft. So is the the US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps.

This story makes sense when you add information about how those prep school lacrosse players are recruited by college coaches who boast about how many of their former players snared lucrative jobs on Wall Street after graduation. Here's an extended excerpt from a Bloomberg Business Week story on that topic dated

Bonus question for extra points: has D. Rumsfeld, the enthusiastic fan of rejecting advice from scholars who studied how to deal with the problems of "nation building," which NATO learned at great expense after the end of the 1990s Balkan wars, ever acknowledged the source of the "unks v. unk-unks" figure of speech?

White cars might be a problem in a region where the weather is never hot or humid or both.

More on Dr. Rivoli, who's still working at Georgetown U. as a professor:

[www.amazon.com] A better book, also by a woman, who was an economist at Georgetown U. when she wrote it. Note that Cline describes only part of what Pietra Rivoli wrote about.....and omits the riveting historical context and background on the role of women in farming, the textilie industries and the needle trades

American hotels have offered day use rates for at least 50 years.

All true....and....this highlights an unfortunate paradox about energy efficiency and health. The more successful a homeowner is in sealing the holes, gaps around windows and countless other passages via which air enters and exits the building, the more effectively the heating and cooling systems will work.

Thank you for the eloquent dissection of how the Apple business strategy keeps low-cost, high-quality computers out of the hands of a large segment of the general public. This article explains how Apple's avarice, narcissism and cynicism function as a seamless machine to embed lucrative bias into the purchasing

Clearly you haven't read the relevant Supreme Court decisions, which emphasize the section of the Constitution stating that Congress has the authority to control its own membership. You also may not be aware of recent bipartisan legislation that would assign a House member to DC, and why it failed. Your answer falls

Hi People:

Ask a Japanese woman how she's treated in the workplace and I think you'd learn a lot about how gender roles are enforced in that country.

There is a little bit of history here. Before WWII, the Women's Christian Temperance Union retained substantial power and dozens of elected offices across several states. It had lost the national Prohibition, but it was fighting vigorous rearguard actions in dry counties across the South and Midwest. Much of the