
I shrieked when the original theme song hit at the end credits.

B+? More like D. I couldn't gave a shit about space pirates. This was just truly awful.

God, I miss "Curb Your Enthusiasm." Please, Larry, make season 9!!!

Russian oligarchy doesn't support terrorism: US does eg Bin Laden and Syrian "rebels." who gas their own and accuse Assad of using sarin gas. The rebels that the US support are murdered Christians and homosexuals.

This season of Homeland…….brought to you and approved by CIA.

Good god, I want a bloodbath now: Romana vs The Countess

Yeah, I saw it, too. But I was miffed that a black guy had to die first. Typically Hollywood.

Am I the only one that thought the pilot is a piece of horses***?

Thanks for saying this:

Sasha plays her character so well. The taunting of SUPERFAN Izzy and making her cry is another level of evil-ness from THE BOSS.

The introduction of Ludacris' character makes absolutely no sense. It is so out of the blue and yes… ludicrous.

Finn will take the title in Japan and Owens will be off NXT roster for good.

Wesley cared about the relationship between Vanessa and his boss, Fisk, I didn't get an inkling that Wesley is behind the poisoning.

Wesley getting killed made me cry so much.

Boo!! I want Liam Neeson.

If Louie wanted to see Yangtze River, why didn't he go to Shanghai where the river actually starts? Yangtze River is nowhere to be found in Beijing,

If Louie wanted to see Yangtze River, why didn't he go to Shanghai where the river actually starts? Yangtze River is nowhere to be found in Beijing,