
Discuss politics or religion and take a well-thought-out nuanced view. Bam! They'll be the ones to drop you, or they will throw their jerkitude up on a billboard.

Male Renegade soldier- Kull Shepard

LTTE Bicycle Platoon in Sri Lanka.

A game where wandering around randomly gets you into more battles, fighting more battles makes you stronger, and battles are easy enough to win by just tapping A — was beaten by 'randomness generator' some percentage of participants had beaten the game already. Color me amazed.

Now playing

The old testament god is really Yahweh Sabaoth, Babylonian god of the armies, before morphing into mono-lateralist polytheism of Judaism.

Douuuuuugggg Beeeeennnnnddddeeerrrr Mulletstein

A book that I read from the late nineties, I think it had a one word title like Vitualla or something, maybe. It was about a software designer who creates his own operating system but competitors trap him within a desolate computer world. My school had it in their library, so YA fiction, help anyone?

I've heard it before, but I still don't understand what point it thinks it's making.

You can plug any number you like into those variables, but lets say:
A=1, B=2, N=3.

How is this supposed to prove god?
This is repeated multiplication, it isn't multiplying then dividing by the same number and getting a different answer. It sure would be weird if

1. Even claiming that ones imagination is perfect doesn't confer reality on fantasy.
2. The cause of the universe doesn't have to be (and evidently is not) personified, sentient, living, benevolent, singular, etc. Unwarranted assumption.
3. How did god(s) come from nothing? If one argues that gods don't need a prior

Why is Ultraviolet paired with underworld, and not Aeon Flux?

You've been waiting three and a half seasons...
You know the Seven Cylon models...
You know four of the final five...
At last, the final Cylon will be revealed...

...And she's making margaritas! (fruity tone)

This weird trick lets you escape from imperial cruisers!

Wow, one political statement and the rest are Christian.
Why aren't Satanists getting in on this at all? Shouldn't they own this design motif?

Escape Velocity Override Forever!

You laugh at the Tamil Tiger Platoon on their bikes? These guys invented the suicide bomb belt and they swallow cyanide rather than be captured alive.

Dictatorship was the problem. Rather than working for the collective greater good, Government and Military officials would sabotage and subvert one another to ensure their own position and power. Important decisions became bottlenecked because they had to be made by the Leader, and bad decisions could not be

**SPOILER ALERT** She enters the real world, having been programmed as an assassin by the game she had been living in the whole time, that twist was mind-blowing to me.
Then, dumb twist, she kills her target and he dissolves, because the real world is also fake.
If his body was actually still there, and its

Missing Magnetron and Ice Planet.