
I'm pretty sure that "the gays" used this way is almost always meant as ironic mockery of older people or, possibly, those who are uncomfortable with gay people and gay culture. I don't think I've ever heard this phrase used in an unironic way by anyone likely to be reading Gawker.

I've got to agree with you. It's an awkward-looking car. There was one at the Porsche club show at the Santa Monica airport last week and I spent 15 minutes just circling it, trying to reconcile the awesomeness inside with the not-quit-right outside. There were 60 years of Porsches there and it was the least

Scandinavia's not perfect, but it's damn close. I've got family in Norway and HJTravels' description isn't far from the truth in my experience. And my family are in rural Norway. In the US an equivalent area would be fully of poorly educated, unhealthy, slovenly people living shabbily (not everyone, but plenty).

Thank you for posting interesting on-topic videos that some people may have missed, even if it angers some commenters so much because of their inability to skip over things they're already familiar with.

You can barely join by 8th grade, so there are very few 8th grade Eagles. I imagine that if that actually happens, it's the result of individual troops not understanding the level of rigor that should be applied to the entire process of advancing through scouting. The Eagle projects are meant to be community-service

I very much disliked BSA's assumptions re: religiosity, but it is NOT a Christian organization. My second troop was based at a Jewish temple (Reform) and had Jews, Christians, Muslims, and Hindus to my certain recollection. It also had at least one crypto-atheist (me). The BSA has long made a strong effort to teach

No, there is a huge gap between membership in the Boy Scouts and earning your Eagle rank. It's not merely joining the exclusive club. It's more like saying you became president before women had the vote. Sure, it wasn't a fully representative electorate, but you can't discount the achievement altogether just

Whoa. What are you responding to? I said nothing about BSA and homosexuality, just the value of making Eagle Scout. Just because I think that Eagle is something to be proud of doesn't mean I don't have problems with scouting. I have never cared for their policies on homosexuality or religiousness (they are

As a person whose only made it to Life Scout, I've got to disagree with you. Becoming an Eagle Scout is more than just showing up to something for a few years. Within a scout troop, even among kids who stick it out until the end of high school, most kids never make Eagle Scout. It's a real commitment and effort to

This fellow did not ask himself "what is the outcome I'd like to see from my actions?" If he had, he would never have put his sexual whining into spreadsheet form. That has to be the least attractive way imaginable to convince your wife to be more interested in you. I want to slap this guy.

I'm not going to get into the larger matter of defending the events. I will, however, argue that there's nothing inherently contradictory about safety concerns for people putting themselves in harm's way. People engage in many very dangerous behaviors, but that doesn't mean they've abandoned all caution. Nor does

There is a lot of drunkenness at the festival, but the authorities do genuinely try to prevent anyone who seems intoxicated from participating. The danger of the selfie is that the man presents a hazard to the other participants. Running away from the bulls is fairly easy, so long as you don't trip over a jackass in

The festival is broadcast on TV in Spain, the US and, I assume, elsewhere throughout the world. What it is selling is a particular brand of bravery/foolhardiness. Participants and tourists alike know what to expect. I daresay many of each go wanting to see some blood. Showing the gorings and tramplings does not

We'll have to wait and see if it will result in real improvements or just better marketing. For as good as the ATS and CTS are, there's still plenty of room for improvement.

This will certainly lower the value of CPO BMWs in the marketplace if the warranty is no longer a fully transferrable part of the car.

It seems there are people who think that crimes committed on premises should not only be held against the criminal. The property of the landlord must be permanently devalued by the act. Presumably if someone was hurt on their property, they'd be happy to see their investment diminished.

It's like a zen koan: if nobody in Idaho is stupid enough to hand keys over to a valet, is he still a valet?

Wha? He doesn't have the right? Sure he does. Unless you're going to give up the "right" to pass judgement on every single idiotic thing that happens outside of the US.

People certainly won't be watching Ferrari win that way, or any other, this season.

There's certainly no such thing as a Nintendo in my house this generation. Not gonna get fooled again.