
Not the pursuit, but the ramming. The pursuers could potentially be charged for intentional contact with another moving vehicle. What the hell did they even hope to achieve by that. It's one thing to follow thieves until the police can intercede, but hitting an F150 with an Audi is just stupid.

It is absolutely a de facto control of the space, regardless of how it is framed as something else to create a weak legal justification.

I have no idea about medical privacy laws specifically, but western European nations generally have much stronger protections for personal privacy than the US does.

In most places it is illegal to be in possession of stolen property, regardless of whether you were aware it was stolen when you took possession. In the US, at least, people who are innocently in possession aren't usually targeted for prosecution. Still, the law is the way it is to prevent all thieves from saying "I

This is why we have judges. In common-law judicial systems, they are there to filter bullshit behavior like this. Sure, the app just incentivizes a space holder to vacate and what's wrong with that? But it's an obvious fig-leaf. We all really know that these apps prioritize access to a public resource based on

Supply and demand would argue that this is a problem for SF not because it's a shithole, but a very popular place that people are willing to pay an awful lot to live in. It is the more rural areas with large lots and low costs of living that are, economically speaking, unpopular shitholes that people choose out of

If SF were to allow this, then they're essentially saying that a public resource meant to be equitably accessible to all comers can be entirely controlled by an individual with sufficient means. Since the city has to balance revenue with maximum public utility, pricing isn't necessarily based on extracting the

Cheap to make. Familiar format. Decent numbers for an History Channel show. Possibly some re-sale opportunities to other markets (though the license from Top Gear UK might prohibit that). They don't spend a fraction of the money that the original does.

Even having watched that, it would take me quite a while to get one going sober. If I was drunk (and had a severe case of crazy-eyes) I'm not sure I'd ever succeed.

It was the result of a failed takeover attempt. Porsche thought they had a scheme to end up controlling the MUCH larger VAG. Instead, Porsche got owned by VAG.

Those would be much cooler.

Other than Maldonado, who can be considered a pay driver in the current season? Sure, Alonso brought sponsorship with him, but he's not with Ferrari because of that.

There was one in Santa Monica.

I'm not sure that EA needs to tell us about games sooner. That's never been a weak area for them. Focus on quality and don't worry about additional pre-release marketing.

I would argue that the audience for Minecraft isn't casual gamers in the usual sense - very occasional players outside of the conventional gaming audience demographics. Minecraft largely pulls from a very traditional pool of gamers: kids. And they don't just play every once in a while; they play Minecraft as often

I hope they aimed well when they went off. Not a lot of treeless room on either side. If that's the Mulsanne Straight, it was deadlier doing 60mph then than 200mph now.

It's spelled sepArate. As my English teacher said, "There is always 'a rat' in separate".

You know, it's getting pretty deep in Canadians down here in Los Angeles. What horrible things are you doing to drive your countrymen so far away?

I LOVE the Forza series. I started playing with F2. I pre-ordered Forza 3 and 4 VIP editions so I could play them with maximum available content on release day. I bought all of the DLC available (even though what I really wanted was more tracks, not more cars). Forza has always had a really distinctive sense of

Did you miss the bit where he picked her up from a mental health facility and then the other bit where she ODed on oxycodone?