
If only we'd ignored those damned environmentalists, I'd could still be getting the 8-10mpg I enjoyed in my '76 Malibu Classic wagon and we'd be breathing Beijing-quality air. Businesses could have thrown money at inefficiencies (which are the opposite of profit, economically speaking) for decades instead of

Attendance may matter to the event promoters, but not to the businesses running the series. Revenue for F1 and NASCAR is insulated from ticket sales, which have more effect on the venue and the local promoters.

Bernie doesn't care because any problems caused by that scheduling won't affect him. His money isn't from track ticket sales, it's from high-level licensing of the F1 brand, fees that GP hosts pay to F1, and TV deals. How are any of those revenue sources impacted by this? He's right, from where he stands it is okay.

I agree with your sentiment about us all being a bunch of car hipsters. Nothing confirms that more than our kneejerk reaction to a guy with an opinion (a subjective freakin' opinion!) that isn't popular here. He disagrees with us, expresses preferences that are largely unobjectionable, and somehow he's called a

I love BMW's. Our house will always have at least one and my lust-list of cars is about 50% BMW. That said, there are a disproportionately large number of asshat BMW drivers out there. Don't know why, but it's true It doesn't make us all asshats to acknowledge that there is more than a wee kernel of truth in the

Because unless Disney sets up an office to actively shop around a bunch of old game IP they've accidentally bought up over the years, it just isn't worth their time. And Double Fine can't afford to make it worthwhile for Disney, nor should they - a Grim Fandango re-release would be good for them, but nowhere near a

You would limit your attempts at conversation to what is appropriate within the store, you know to quit once you've put the ball in her court, and you pay attention to social cues (including the HUGE meaning inherent in a complete absence of encouraging communication). I suppose you could even just straight up ask

Seriously? Oh that sucks. DICE should have known better since they finally got it right on the PC side - friends are automatically grouped together on the same team and squad.

Now, now. We can all get along. All we need is for somebody to accuse both of these men of terrorism and ship them off. THIS is why we have Guantanamo!

Maybe on a big vessel like the one in this video. But it's hell in a small boat. 10 years ago I was sailing across the Pacific and had 3 days of running downwind in nonstop waves like these. In a 46' sailboat, only 22 tons, you're light enough that everything is affecting the boat. When you go into the trough it's

I couldn't agree more. The only reasons that smart TVs don't send me into the same rage are: 1) smart TV features exist mostly as value added nonsense to show up on a feature list comparison, you don't pay extra for them and 2) if ignored, the smart TV features don't make your input sources more unpleasant to use

Sync keeps me safer. You see, it discourages me from thinking about anything but driving. It takes easy-to-use functions in my iPhone and makes them difficult (and often impossible) to use. First of all, it usually doesn't even want to actually enable the microphone when it's in "listening" mode. When it does

There are so many layers of ignorant bullshit in their description of what their product does.

Setting aside the claim that Top Gear is hiding their best lap time (I'm very skeptical, but whatever) Zenvo is basically claiming that Top Gear UK was too hard on their supercar by A) driving it hard on a track, the way that Top Gear always does and B)driving it in British weather.

I realize a person lost their life and that something deeply wrong happened, but my brain kinda got sidetracked by the whole "car was towed to another spot where it was ticketed several more times" part. WTF? How can that happen?

Wal Mart isn't a dirty job in the sense of particularly dangerous, or grueling, or even literally dirty work. Rather, it is a shitty symbol of how many people can't get ahead, despite doing a good job. Wal Mart is notorious for keeping employee hours just below the level where they'd be eligible for benefits, but

Since you're asking specifically about visiting the factory and assuming I had full access to everything, then it would have to be Mclaren. Regardless of whether you like their cars, that facility is too amazing to pass up.

I grew up in the South. Amongst people I knew, the Confederate Battle Flag was alway an embarrassing relic of a particular period. It represents a very particular political viewpoint from a very short time. It didn't predate the secessionist movement, so it can't be said to have carried a cultural significance

I love the most common defense of this: "We're not racist, we just advocate for the dissolution of the United States". Maybe they are right, maybe they should be allowed to celebrate their "heritage" as un-American traitors.

Doesn't VW need to have union representation as part of their charter? Since VW prompted all of this, how will it affect this plant?