
But that's just my point. Why would the money go to Michigan? Lots of Toyotas are built in the US and lots of "American" cars aren't. The reason that Detroit has been on a 30 year downward slide is because the big 3 can make American cars a lot cheaper using labor that isn't American.

Agreed. Best gift I ever got was when my wife gave me a plane ticket, hotel reservation, and 3 days of Skip Barber at Laguna Seca.

I saw that car when I was in Austin for the USGP. It was out towards Round Rock at the time, heading in the opposite direction as my brother and daughter and I headed to the FP sessions.

What constitutes an American car? A Mexican-built Chevy? An Opel? A US-built BMW? What if a car is assembled by an American-based manufacturer in the US, but the components are transferred in such a way that most of the profit is realized internationally?

I'm not sure that cops need to be any more intimidating. It doesn't reduce crime it just sets a tone that spreads to how cops interact with all civilians. They don't actually spend very much time "chasing" anyone. Most speeders pull over, regardless of the perceived toughness of the cop's car. Those that don't

You have unlocked...

Forza will let you be so stupid that you can use a manual clutch on cars that don't actually have them.

iRacing now has Mac support. I don't think any of the other serious sims do at this point. The problem you'll run into with a Mac is the lack of supported force-feedback racing wheels.

A standalone feudal Japan with combat similar to AC....

I've always thought it would be awesome to skip around the rooftops of Victorian London in an AC game.

And then that corporation decided that the majority of their customers that are adults actually have the hands of a 12 year old.

Loved the spring weight on the Dreamcast controller triggers. Perfect.

But if they just submit stuff, it's not a game. This is a game, which are fun. You should look into games, you might really like them. There's this one great site - kotaku.com - that covers them. Check it out!

I can't wait for the iOS version, it sounds like a lot of fun.

The woman who had the adventure of doing something exciting that could never otherwise be motivated by rational daily behavior and will never forget the experience?

I don't play MMOs, but the whole idea of gold farming has always struck me as either a necessity of bad game design (a big part of the game is something people are paying extra to avoid?) or cheating (claiming to have earned something through effort that is actually the accomplishment of another). So for me, I see

A discount isn't so easily within DICE's power. Discounting software affects the publisher, it affects in-place agreements with distributors and retailers, and they'd have to figure out compensation for those individuals who have already purchased whatever is going to be given away for free or at a discount. That's

I'm sure they're open to the superior alternate suggestion you're going to make any second now.

Yup. The problem is an economic one. If financial incentive exists then it will ultimately drive development to favor revenue over gameplay. This is the core problem with all F2P and DLC decisions. I'm not saying there can't be exceptions where a studio avoids the pitfalls, but most will not.

That's a sound argument for many things in life, but this is not one of them. You should not invest more in labor value than the value you receive in exchange for it. However, you can't argue that a customer playing the game they bought is investing his labor. Playing is the point. Cars are part of the currency