
It only gives incentive to unequal application if law enforcement directly benefits from the act of giving tickets. If revenue goes into general funds instead of local police funds, there is no departmental benefit. If police are evaluated on performance rather than their fundraising ability, there is no individual

Wow. I just involuntarily made a sighing/moaning noise that was...too dirty for a workplace.

Yes, we live in a world where people can be successful while horrible things happen to others. No doubt you spend all of your time and excess cash saving children, but the rest of us like to be entertained and that money tends to collect in ways that saints like yourselves would consider unfair.

I think it's less of a geographical reflection and more tied to TV economics. NASCAR didn't really dominate our racing until the past 30 years or so. Prior to that, road series like Trans Am did pretty well. An oval course is easier to shoot and requires fewer cameras. The viewer doesn't have to know the track at

Except you won't find any Mac users who like this feature.

Well, look who's new here!

I've been telling people this for the past few years. Sadly, we know it'll never happen. But, damn, he would be kick-ass, wouldn't he?

Well, right now that's the only option, but matchmaking like MS is proposing could theoretically provide more specialized modes while still remaining casual and less organized. As soon as you start talking league play, the level of seriousness becomes quite offputting to many gamers.

Yes, but given the usage in the US it likely came - as you noted - from French or Spanish, which were both spoken in colonial North America.

Skylanders are only $10-15 each at full price. You can usually find them on sale for half that. Not exactly gouging. They make a product, parents buy it, kids enjoy it, company sees some profit. Nobody's getting screwed in that transaction. Every party comes out with something they want.

Remember, Disney owns Marvel, Indiana Jones, and Star Wars now as well as all of the things we associate with their animation and theme parks and Pixar. They own The Black Hole and TRON and hundreds of other things no one is aware of as Disney property. They also have extended rights to things like the Muppets which

Having the experience of watching my kids play and collect Skylanders, I wonder at some of the things they are selling as Power Discs. I get discs as buffs and toybox elements, but mounts? I think there's a market for the vehicles to be sold as vehicles, even if that costs more. Kids (and adults?) actually like

I do.

Honestly, nobody knows very much about the actual architecture. Marketing people have referred to DSPs as "cores" before, for god's sake. A machine can have different types and speeds of RAM for particular processes, but the press release is just going to tally it up like it is one big monolithic thing.

A very good and interesting point. To be fair, though, British English had many languages feed into it, but they were much more closely related (e.g. Germanic and Scandinavian) and it happened long enough ago that those influences largely predate the forking between American and British English. Still there are

Or possibly for the Spanish pantalones.

It's just to help you hone your skills for the real thing. Right?

Sigh. If only you were exaggerating.

In general, yes, but there are plenty of exceptions. Right now, you can wait quite a while to get into a short sprint race in Forza. You almost never see enduro races, because it just isn't practical to run them. This would make waiting for long format races more palatable.

Exactly. I mean why should I have to pay for wifi capabilities when I'm just subsidizing the laggy, packet-dropping habits of people who don't have the better home infrastructure to support ethernet? I also keep my home extremely cold. Why should I have to pay for fans in my console that I don't need? How dare