
Respect to service members, but fuck contractors. They're nothing but mercenaries and are only there for the money. It doesn't matter the rationale for the behavior; if they're just there for $, it means they're willing to kill for nothing greater than a paycheck. Those guys are exposed to less risk, spend less

Oh, hell yeah. Did you know that they will ask you to pay if you want additional content in your games? That's an awful lot like abusing the free, innocent citizens of a country you're occupying.

What's the point of living in a massive building like that if you're going to clutter it up so badly you can't hoon around inside?

Small towns near Wal Marts have been deeply transformed for the worse over the past 30 years. Most of their main streets are empty shells which used to house vibrant businesses. Sure, those businesses charged more, but the money that was spent would go back into the local community and the net result was a nicer

So instead of 144,000 to 0 it's now 144,000 to 1? Color me embarrassed. Seriously, the bulk of my IT career has been spent protecting Windows users from infecting themselves (and cleaning up after them when they do it on a weekly basis). And with one Mac outbreak you want me to see the two platforms as equivalent

Yeah, vintage x-rays were a lot cooler, before everybody got into them.

Apple has never said that, because they've always recognized that the potential is there for any OS, even distributing a version of ClamAV with their servers for most of the past decade. But of course, you're no doubt trying to bring attention to the fact that this is the first significant infection in the wild in

Damn those media whores who mostly volunteer their time pro bono to fight for constitutional rights! Their long track record of success in protecting rights is evidence enough of their uselessness. The fact that a public threat (media whoring, you called it) of ACLU action alone can sometimes cow overreaching

You probably just have better things to do than watch local news. They do wander down into foothill towns from time to time.

I suspect that price was given in Hong Kong dollars and not US.

Nah, I knew that it was real by the time I was 6 or 7 and that was well before the movie. The existence of the movie seems like it would only make more people aware of the historical incident. This is the result of deeply incurious people who don't ask questions or discuss things to expand their knowledge.

Hey, would Bernie be behind this if it wasn't the right thing to do? He's here to help, you know.

I believe that the journalistic standard address (in the US, at least) is to refer the president as President Name the first time in a piece and Mr. (or Ms, hypothetically) Name in subsequent references within the same story. So there is precedent for a simple Mr. that is not disrespectful to the office.

The context of usage sets the intent. So, yes, it would be very different. A black person using the term is clearly not expressing the same thing that a white person using it is. To even ask the question is disingenuous and intentionally obtuse.

I think developers would prefer 90% piracy in a big market to 25% piracy in a tiny one. Stopping piracy doesn't often convert into customers. This doesn't hurt RIM, but it's a far cry from making it a rewarding investment of developer time.

I think their point was that RIM is doing a bad job of the other side of the equation - actually getting developers to make the apps. It works for Apple because their huge installed base means that it is easy to get developers creating for iOS.

I think they just mean he has a very high fiber diet.

That's true in most places. It's one of those laws that exists to be largely ignored. It's there to be used at the discretion of the officer in those cases where the offending honker is being a real ass. No one's going to get a ticket for a simple toot.

I don't think Segway offers them as an option. These look like aftermarket parts.

I can only assume you're talking about forcing us to use Origin and not releasing it through Steam, right? 'cause BF3 is great otherwise.