
Please tell me that you left out a paragraph explaining what Bowling did to make these people so angry at him. There is a rational explanation for their behavior isn't there? Did he sleep with their mothers and wives at the same time or maybe eat their children? 'cause there's no way a person could get that worked

They've actually got to get their hands on a car before they can add it. So either the manufacturer has to provide them with a car or they need to borrow one from a generous owner.

Nonetheless, they'd be reluctant to plaster a 4 on it, however it is written or said.

I don't really buy used games, but I do like being able to give my old games - especially ones I'm excited about - to people who I think will appreciate them.

The word for 4 in both Chinese and Japanese sounds like the word for death. Consequently, it's considered bad luck. Buildings (at least in Japan, where I used to live) often skip the 4th floor the way that buildings in the US don't have 13th floors. This is something that would definitely steer a Japanese company

Depends what you mean by "get off charges". Assuming he tries that and is successful, his life will be a huge effing mess, but he won't have a felony conviction. His career is over at a minimum. Then there's the matter of possibly being forcibly hospitalized if he's found insane - in some circumstances this can

Scan me!

Aside from you not knowing what you're talking about (google the name BEFORE you post about it), I don't believe that there has ever been any significant furor over AC as a pro-terrorist game.

I think the point was to compare the same (or equivalent) app from each platform. This isn't a criticism of Android, but rather of developers not giving equal priority to each. It could be the economics don't justify it or the SDKs aren't as easy to work with, but nobody is saying your precious mobile OS is bad. We

No, we're not being punished for stupid people. We're feeling the effects of Gawker trying to cut costs (and possibly increase revenue if the SSOs are paying for the data they'll be getting). This has nothing to do with users who repeat their passwords across different sites.

It's great that our personal account info isn't shared with the Gawker commentariat, but what about the other direction? Will every comment be posted to our facebook accounts unless we jump through the security menus determining which friends are allowed to see posts? It would be nice if all you are doing is a

I don't like it, but it's legal in a lot of places, so no. There's no situation where a rider deserves to be hurt, though.

Exactly. Toyota's problem isn't a lack of talented designers. It's executive direction that always picks the beige option over the fun or interesting one.

I too think the front-facing camera should be better. The part wouldn't be an expensive one, especially if it were only bumped up to 3 megapixels or so. The problem would be in the quality of the image that could actually be sent. Most people just don't have the bandwidth or have so much noise in their wifi space

iOS is built on the same Darwin kernel as OS X, so the differences - including every one of your complaints - are a matter of conscious choice. I don't always agree with Apple's decisions for what I want, but if I were in their shoes and having to create products for so many constituencies, I'd be making exactly the

Are male astronauts in their program held to this standard?

Not really. It's better written than Twilight (a low bar, to be sure). It shares a central story point with Battle Royale, but there is a lot more going on in the Hunger Games world outside of the combat. Thematically, it's completely different from Battle Royale, which is an examination of alienated youth in

If there was ever a vehicle that didn't need an update...

Having done lots of cabling jobs myself and managed some pretty massive ones, I've never seen electrical tape used to finish runs. It's fine for pulling, because it's more flush than zip ties so it won't catch in wall or conduit, but DO NOT leave it on there. It will just become messy and it doesn't look good.

At Skip Barber they taught me 9 and 3. Various 1-day race clinics I've taken have since repeated this.