The Vicarious Wilma Fingerdew

Hey, keke, have you met Danny Thomas' illegit adult son…so he says? He's got a long suffering sob story to tell as pitiful as Kayla Thompsons. Claims the Thomas family threatened to kill them all (including That Girl Marlo Thomas who he says was leading the charge despite being his half sister). It's a hoot and a

The only thing you've done is lie. Typical shill behavior. Get back at me when I have a thousand posts on the board attacking Bill Cosby like Brandy Betts. I have less that 20. That's what separates an informed fan from a paid character assassin. As for my own character, it's not something you're worthy of commenting

With dishrags like you posting attacks on Bill Cosby it's no wonder you have no backing from the American people for the hate groups Believe Women and We Support the Survivors of Bill Cosby. People aren't falling for the trashy headlines generated by these professional rape victims and they certainly aren't falling

I may have 20 posts on Disque on the subject of Bill Cosby so I guess I can't be shilling much. Shills are people like Brandy Betts, Ashley Allen, Bonnie Upton, Jesse, Charlotte etc etc who post day and night on these boards and have posted hundred of times on these forums alone. They are your paid shills. Anyone can

You mistake me for someone who gives a sh!t what you think. Another genius heard from.

For all you geniuses squawking that Bill Cosby must be guilty because he's remained silent please consider he's done so to avoid frivolous lawsuits for defamtaion from women who, OH YEAH; remained silent for 40 years!

For all you geniuses squawking that Bill Cosby must be guilty because he hasn't said anything, please consider he's been advised not to in order not to be frivolously sued for defamation by women who, OH YEAH; didn't say anything for 40 years!

Straight from her FB page. Joan Tarshis is worse. She claims to talk to alien beings. How sad is that? And people believe them over Bill Cosby!

The paid shills attacking Cosby have been very ineffective on the disqus forum & generally heavily outnumbered. Their spiel doesn't hold up when challenged so it's no surprise they've tried to keep their posting history more of a secret. They're in no hurry to have their comments discredited any more than they want to

I wouldn't call it a conspiracy. I'd call it lots of conspiracies. Everyone who can make a dime exploiting Bill Cosby and the topic of rape is doing so. There are huge liberties being taken by the media, fame seekers, lawyers and con artists all wanting a piece of the action. It's like a feeding frenzy only they

There are a few groups out there actively recruiting new members in addition to Gloria Allred's incentive of a 100 million proposed settlement (ie: shakedown) to lure omen of a certain type in. It's a bit like buying a lottery ticket and they only condition is you have to be willing to lie about rape. It wouldn't

Lisa Bloom already addressed this in an affidavit. Her claim is that IF Janice Dickenson said Bill Cosby raped/drugged her Marty Singer would sue on Bill Cosby's behalf. Turns out that's not the case at all, is it? Guess that means Lisa Bloom was lying in her affidavit. But if you want to really talk lies listen to

It's a shakedown. Gloria Allred and Lisa Bloom should be disbarred just like Tamara Green and that other failed lawyer slash professional rape victim Louisa Moritz.

Kayla Thompson believes in aliens. Thinks the divine light of alien entities is shining down on her; believes alien bodies are being hidden by the church and state and all manner of craziness. If you have questions about aliens I'm thinking nutty Kayla Thompson's your girl.

He's no victim. He's a survivor! Bill Cosby is going to come through this storm of wasted headlines with his dignity, his fortune and his reputation intact. And even after he's gone, if these vultures make good on their threat to go after his estate, his family is going to see they don't get so much as a nickel of

Bill Cosby didn't take this kind of a social media pounding back in 2005 either. He and Constand settled their differences amicably and parted ways with a sealed settlement leaving the women who tried to ambush Cosby in the dust. This isn't about rape, it's about trying to force Bill Cosby to fork over a hundred