I’m hoping pedestrians resort to kicking the doors of any Tesla they walk near that’s driving sans driver.
I’m hoping pedestrians resort to kicking the doors of any Tesla they walk near that’s driving sans driver.
Well this one certainly isn’t a winner.
Right? That is as Porsche as it gets, and God bless ‘em.
But you can get it in any bespoke color you want, for another $2200 upcharge.
And it costs a low low price of $1500.
It was akin to that move shown in that post from Friday about SMART car racing
Kimi got Torpedoed.
Kyvat is the weirdest driver in F1 today. He’s clearly fast enough to challenge even Lewis, but he’s also prone to race-ending mistakes more so than other drivers on his tier.
Clearly designed by will.i.am
Man I pulled the same move earlier this year on a article where a cyclist got run over and died... the emails went on for weeks
Once you start allowing cargo shorts on the public roads, this is inevitable.
Imagine an entire neighborhood populated by Doug DeMuros
One of my favorite scenes from the whole show.
Gob’s not on board.
Welcome to the club of being witty enough to get a column about your wittyness.
Sick burn
Earlier this afternoon we learned that McLaren has launched a recall campaign for your rare and exciting Senna…
Sigh. Here goes nothing: Omar makes valid points. I’m not saying this woman is lying. I’m not saying that AB is innocent. I know I’ll get called a men’s rights activist or a troll or whatever but this notion of dragging people through the mud based solely on accusations is crazy. It doesn’t mean your insensitive to…