i'm surprised about the complete non-representation of japan here.
i'm surprised about the complete non-representation of japan here.
come to canada. we've got a functional healthcare system and we only riot over important things, like hockey.
automakers, y u no make convertible wagons???
utilizing your child to perform illegal acts is, in fact, child abuse.
i wish i was on the team paid to take the pictures... this is stuff i normally pay to do...
you'd think a new car company formed from major technology co-founders would do everything to avoid PEBKAC problems... or, in this case, PEBSWAS.
they've made a few prototypes...?
what's the problem here? he created a false identity. hint hint, my name in real life isn't willyolio.
i mean ion thrusters based on the idea of very high speed but very low momentum thrusting materials.
...i'll have two of each.
interestingly enough, that's not troll physics. it could actually work, provided you don't mind the extremely slow acceleration. it's the idea behind ion thrusters and solar sails.
i prefer squid over octopus. maybe it varies from species to species, but squid just seems to be more moist and easy to chew than octopus.
hydrogen has more inherent problems; the main one being that you'll always be paying about 3-4x for the same amount of energy. and that's if the middlemen are being nice and not working for profit.
actually i think it's because of the battery pack itself. Tesla's battery pack powers itself to maintain temperature, regulate the charge, and stuff like that. since everything has to connect through the battery pack, if the battery's dead, it won't allow electricity to flow in. and then the whole car's dead.
gasoline cars "brick" too if they aren't used often enough. even the chevy Volt has a function to run the gasoline motor every so often whether you need the extra electricity or not, to make sure the fluids get moved around.
clearly the Bermuda Triangle has decided to take a vacation in Europe.
bogeymen? This is the same technology being used in credit cards... slightly updated, but built on the same foundations. note that the video was uploaded in 2007. that's eons ago in technology terms.
you know, as much fun as the answers were, i was hoping to find out what the readers' favourite pick was out of the "obvious" category.
hey now! I was just being rational, that's ok too.
also, just about any iProduct on windows is horrible. itunes is slow, clunky, and crashy; quicktime is slow, clunky, and crashy; safari is slow, clunky, crashy. Also, they've had consistent security holes that make macs lose in hacking competitions for the past several years running.