
Idiot liberal status confirmed.

SO happy they gave it that long, sloping roofline that blends into the trunk. Really digging the whole fastback look. I am a fan of Honda’s new design language- I think the new Pilot looks damn fine and the HR-V looks playful and handsome. This takes a step in the right direction imo. I do see a striking resemblance

How is the Bugatti 100p missing from this list still?

Oh my that is pretty...


MOST cars these days are good at MOST things versus the Wrangler that is literally only good at one thing.

I think I’d rather slam my head in a car door, than go on a date with Kim K, assets or not.

I actually came here to post this. It’s so hideous and weirdly proportioned. It looks even worse in person.

Duke boys don’t approve of Dodge’s 4 door shenanigans.

Really? Cars.com tells me there are about a dozen within range (all cummins manual), many in better condition, all less money than this. Based on condition, this is a $20k truck at most.


Here’s a couple more. A Jeepster from South America, and the Jeep Gladiator concept.

Was always irrationally annoyed at the square trailing door edge.

Somewhere there’s another universe where the Arrow and the TSR-2 went on to rule the skies.

Avro Canada was simply a subsidiary. The aircraft you’re thinking of is the Avro Arrow. It was Canada’s successful attempt at making a next generation interceptor that had long legs at very high speeds. The aircraft was simply amazing. Had it gone into production, it would have been the most impressive military (or

Sexiest bomber ever, and I know it’s a machine of war, but fuck it this is just a gorgeous aircraft. This and a Victor are definitely the prettiest post WWII planes ever built in Britain
Edit: Had to add a Picture of the Victor

If in a hypothetical situation a crazed woman equivalent of this guy is shoving and throwing punches at my girlfriend/wife and I, you better believe I’m putting her on the ground without thinking twice about it. Same thing this guy did - subduing the attacker without inflicting intentional injury. If you think there’s

This isn’t commuting to the office via Starbucks. If you’re not at race pace, you’re a hazardous obstacle on course. The amount he was off that pace was considerable.