
OMG, Ailes called Dash “The black girl”?! What a terrible thing to call a black girl!

Slavery was no doubt this countries original sin, and it’s worst, but I think the number of enslaved people who were sold into the system, by Africans and others from all over the world who were in the sorry business, cannot and should not be overlooked. All these poor should were’n kidnapped by evil white men,

Yep...there’s no racism and racial hatred like black girl jealous bigotry. You black and you don’t tow the far-left libtarded narrative, then F*CK YOU, you’re a Uncle Tom, and Aunt Jemima, a white loving traitor! Curse you and your effing hair color, bitch! You’re all no better than the KKK, even with your black ass

All he has done has gone about doing his job in a quiet, dignified manner, which apparently large swaths of black “culture” just hate. I guess you’d rather he was standing up, cursing loudly, threatening those around him, talking ebonics, acting the fool? Sorry, folks, you have the wrong institution. I think we should

This museum is owned by the taxpayers, not the far left libtarded morons....and as such should no doubt have space dedicated to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Or as an alternative...if the Smithsonian has turned into mausoleum for liberals only, maybe we should just burn it down and start over. Kind of like

He hasn’t done one thing to “repeal your rights”, unless you’re talking about his attempts against affirmative action and huge entitlements. Guess what, he doesn’t think you should able to sit on your asses and let whiteness take care of you either, and so do we.

Good point, at least he knows how to keep his mouth shut, like the other 8 should do more often.

“Whiteness” wants it?! Whiteness?! What kind of new fresh hell racist horseshit have we here?? Whiteness, eh? Sounds like the Holy Ghost of racism...The Father, The Son, and The Whiteness, Amen! You black cocksuckers are some of the most racist motherfuckers on the planet, and if I had my way I’d have you on you

Our freedom of speech was paid for with the blood of hundreds of thousands of true patriots, and it’s not to be pissed away by a bunch of childlike libtards who weep and thrash when told something they don’t like to hear....you hear? Man up, woman up, grow up, and learn to deal with diverse opinions, very few of

I think it’s time to put on your grownup pants, boys and girls, and learn how to embrace the U.S. Bill of Rights, which includes the right to free speech. You don’t want to hear Milo speak, don’t go, but then please just shut up, go away, and find a “safe space” in which you may weep. Just kidding, snowflakes....safe

At least white people pay back these loans, where welfare is simply spent and never paid back....thus it’s considered an entitlement.

At least these are paid back by the “melanin deficient” white folks, instead of just scarfed up by the melanin enhanced blacks.