Sydney Bristow

Fridge and washer every 5 years?!? Are you insane? This message brought to you by the fridge and washer union, motto: “buy yet another new machine today.”

We only moved about 50 miles so it wasn’t nearly as traumatic as moving across country but one of the things I’ve done for a long time now is: I’ve attached a waterproof flash drive to my dog’s collars with all of our information on it, the vet, their allergies, temperament (cookie? did anyone say cookie?

BTW, I do not understand people in grocery aisles with carts. I manage to park mine on the side when I’m grabbing something so others can get by. And if it was in the middle of the aisle, I’d keep an eye on it and move it if it was blocking someone. But 99% of the twats in my grocery store seem absolutely oblivious to

Or even better, find an actual business whose phone number has your pin as the last four digits and get a business card.