OK...you are a national treasure!
OK...you are a national treasure!
You jumped into the middle of a fight that's probably bleeding over from a subblog. Just letting you know; the really disproportionate vitriol is mostly unrelated to what he's actually saying.
my favourite was actually the log scene, my sister and I would do that over and over.
I read this whole thing in the voice of a movie trailer narrator, and it was awesome. "In a world..."
I just watched the micro-penis episode of New Girl, so I'd like to say that we all have micro-penises. They may not be physical, but they are all there. My micro-penis is that I never finished college. This is not a serious comment for everyone boiling with rage right now.
I think it's okay to have a preference for dicks that are not small and further I don't really give a rat's what your penis thinks about small boobs or the fact that this was posted on Jez and there is no counterpart about gaping vaginas. Women are told by everyone and their mother both directly and indirectly that…
"Coming this fall, The Pedo-File."
Google "child porn" and you will get an unquantifiable number of results (with the google Os going ooooo at the bottom of the page). In general, you can choose page 1 or page 582 of the results and still not find child porn.
But you left out Morgan Freeman.
You will lie on the dilithium couch human and become part of the Borg.
Are you kidding? Resistance is the only way to get probed. I guess it depends on your 'turn ons' and how you feel about voting democrat.
What about an intellectually stupid but motivated in his career attorney who only does animal rights cases? Can that be the character?
I mean, 60 year old white men are constantly hassled and targeted by the police. Juries are terrified of them and see them as criminals from the get-go. And judges (you know, those other 60 year old white men?) are known to give them the harshest sentences.
I have been looking online for porn since I was 13 years old. Never once have I accidentally clicked on a link that sent me to pictures and videos of child pornography. Not even when I was drunk.
Child porn isn't usually hiding behind a Google search, lurking in the depths of the Os that seem to go on forever when you view the results for "child porn."
I am so glad you caught this too. NOT 60 YEAR OLD WHITE MEN! They never do anything or harm anyone. The injustice of it all!
"We have prisons now filled with guys my age. Sixty-year-old white men in prison who've never harmed anybody,
I know someone (not voluntarily mind you) who was recently caught for exactly this. He said every. single. thing. Grisham did. It was spooky.
A Time To Kill Your Career