
I don't think Gwen Stefani's career was ever killed.

What does it say when your 8/9 year old daughter is more aware of female costuming and its repercussions than you are in your 40s?

It very likely is. Goodness knows they don't all go on to entertainment work, but so many of them do.

The Footlights website is even better because it has all of the groups by year and the position they held.

Let's talk about Footlights.

Are they cute? Yes. Are they better than rats? No.

That is very special. I have not met many cuddly mice.

Far be it from me to malign a rodent that wants to get me drunk.

1. That's a guinea pig

I think he posted the one eating a burrito.

Mice are sort of shits too.

Mine always wanted to, but I have seen videos of cat/rat bonding,

It's unlikely because hamsters aren't social animals. Certain breeds will fight until one of them dies. The ones you might have as pets are more likely to be ill tempered and bite you and they won't be as smart as rats.

I don't know, but I do know all this rat trivia:


One of my favorite, don't blink or you'll miss the dirty joke moments was on Veronica Mars in 2005 (Mars v Mars - Season 1, Episode 14).

Some sort of hysterectomy anthem.

This actually happened to my cat. She wasn't my cat at that point; she was the stray that seemed to be pregnant and repeatedly broke into my house and bled everywhere. I thought she was having kittens and made her a bed and everything but no kittens. I took her to an emergency animal hospital and she had a calcified

Am I the only person who thinks Tyson Beckford is an ass? I have seen him on more than 1 country's Top Model and he is a complete tool.