
Denzel's. It is so sad.

I kind of liked some of the hacked off hair changes, but things like bleached hair and pixie cuts and weaves need attention. Some of those girls looked wrecked by week 6.

Yes and it is TERRIBLE. It's like the Real World with people who are sort of/could be if you squint real hard models.

Only if most people are doing something worse than raping baby animals to death and then carrying their corpses along with them to continue having sex with them. Then, totally.

Yeah, the boys all loved her and they made her over to look beat. But, yeah, Allison and Caridee (she got it too right?) looked fine with it.

I actually dig it on actual models, but it looks tragic when done on the cheap for reality TV on girls with prominent foreheads.

Look, if otters had to be ruined for me (and they were) then NO ONE CAN ENJOY OTTERS!!!

Meh. It's nature. Too much cute is always a cover for evil.

I did not know Tyra got to give actual models her favorite "alienesque" (hate that non-word so much) makeover.

Whatevs. That otter clearly thought the phone was a baby seal and is now going to rape its corpse.

This is my avatar:

I used to post his swimsuit pics on Twitter and then I got told by followers to stop.

If you can't beat 'em, join Weight Watchers.

Oooh, I enjoy these trivia tidbits. Thanks.

Has it been long enough that youths won't see this as an homage to the power of Paula Abdul's Cold Hearted Snake?

I know, right? That ET thing is so weird.

Really, hasn't she always been a dancer?

Now playing

Madonna was the first person (because Elizabeth Perkins dropped out) to play Karen on Broadway and she got bad reviews too.

Not really. It's about manipulations in Hollywood and Madonna originated the role in the 80s.