
I think it is a matter of perspective because I can see the whole thing move in a direction it didn't need to and I can understand how it colored her feeling about GT, especially given that she was a GT poster at that point.

I only was referencing the main page one.

I am sure you do remember it. She made a divisive original comment and when people called her on it, she dug in. But it got rough. You can Google Jezebel, her user name, and Beyonce and find it right quick, but I don't want to link and pull it all up again.

I got shredded on Jez once and if I went back to see who was involved, I would likely see people that I now chat with regularly. I like to think that GT mobilizes against ideas and for each other and maybe that makes it better because it isn't personal, but I also know there are people behind the ideas and it hurts

I actually just found that thread and it is full of all kinds of cruelty directed at you and from you and among other commenters. If that is GT for you (even though it started on Jez), I completely understand why you left.

Not true.

I was restating what you said in the way I was interpreting it. That isn't an indication of my opinion, but, rather, what I thought you meant. That is what the words "So you just asked me" mean. I will be here waiting for you to continue schooling me when you figure out basic reading comprehension.

Don't you ever challenge Matlock as the stuff that naps are made of.

This exists? Like it is a real thing and not an aberrant fiction born in the mind of a masochist?

This might be my favorite. I love her drink mom.

Those all evoke joy, but my son points out that she has to hold up the one head the whole time because she doesn't understand how math works.

Oh shit. I forgot about her.

Yeah, that's a goodie. I think this was a good use of your time.

Show me more. What are your favorites? I am a DDG gif enabler.

I was going to drop this and then I noticed the final line. I never said the text was not feminist. I said that it is feminism for a very specific audience, a privileged audience in a specific field. I know you are smart. You wrote you are a lawyer, You live for this shit. Have fun, but don't present my ideas

It seems silly, but I want to thank you for that because the accent thing always made me feel a little uncomfortable like the southern accent as a marker of stupidity.

Look, you either facilitate my denial or ... well, nothing. Just lie to me.

I love a good black comedy.

OMG! Yes. That damn cross. I forgot about that. I always wonder how people who have those accents feel about those accents. AND the beer can fused to her mom's hand! The best.

Did I say it was "embarrassing"? Nope. I just want to talk about the movie. For realsies.