
God damn that's so insane that you speak to someone under the pretense of them publishing your words and then they roll your name through the dirt the next day. Journalism is craaaaay.

Actually I don't now if they sell this outside of Chicago, but you should try Revolution Anti-Hero. It's sooo delish

Racer 5 is the most drinkable IPA in my opinion.

I get what you are saying, and I like his music. Some of the best hip hop ever without a doubt, but even watch some of his interviews on Letterman. People think he's like got comedic pause but that's just Dave manipulating the conversation so it's not totally fucking awkward that this dude has very little going on up


Sociopaths are born every day.

Jay Z is one of the dumbest people on planet earth. Just watch Nardwuar's interview of him.

What's the deal with Japanese vending machines that sell used women's underwear and all that? I always that that was weird/taboo.

So basically be a decent person? it is sad that these rules need to be written out

Wang-high Noon

Yo this is so fucked up.

Ya apparently it is the most expensive spice, behind saffron.

So I'm just supposed to believe all this shit without sourcing?

FKA twigs

Every other cop became a cop specifically so that they could get drunk at Irish pubs and then stumble home to an angry wife and curse her out for not understanding WHAT THIS JOB DOES TO A MAN. That job was made for alcoholics.

Jimmy Butler is black

So what is the deal with New York?

Hey, that's what I keep saying!

God dammit. I read "C-130" as "C-3PO". Needless to say, this article is a disappointment.

Your sentences are really long and full of big words.