
Seriously. Anybody who handed a suitcase full of cash to a surgeon and said "make me look like one of those hairless cats after a three day tequila bender for the bloat" has no business speaking about who's beautiful or not.

And do thin people have to Google-trawl for clothes that fit them? No, they can walk into near-about any store in any given retail space in the country and have an endless array of options available to them. The options fat people DO have? Are usually ugly. Thus, requiring the mail-ordering, and even then, you still

Ohhhhh honey. I don't know what crawled up your ass and died, but I hope you get medical attention for it soon.

And it was a gingersnap-

So funny: my parents & I were finding jeans back when I was a teenager. Immediately when we walked in A & F, my dad yelled, " What kind of hell is this?" It literally felt like Hades, the music, smells, disorientating lights & dark pits of despair.

Thank you. I'm in my mid-forties and have noticed the same thing. Some of the nutritional advice above sounds like complete bullshit to me. Try telling everyone in Europe that their staple starch, which they eat at every meal, (bread) is unhealthy. I thought the Europeans were supposed to be gods of health and culture

Perfect. if it made you happy. That's my new philosophy. Of course I won't eat trays of deviled eggs every day but the occasional tray increases happiness. I could be super slim and sleek eating very healthy all the time but I've seen tons of people in my neighbourhood and they all look so miserable. A lifetime of

Absolutely. Happy enough to do so a second time a week later.

Bless you, bless you, bless you. That's what a real diet is: cooking real food and making real choices, not trying to find all the half-ass cheats you can to make healthy food unhealthy. The popcorn from potato chips switch is a life-saver. Also, orange soda, diet or otherwise of any brand, tastes nothing like real

When a family has been in America for multiple generations and no longer has any connection to Africa besides their skin tone, it is weird to call them African-Americans. It's not insulting, it's just weird.

I don't think the first part of the commentary had anything to do with self-hate or not wanting to be associated with Africa, nor was it shade. I believe it was there to serve as commentary about why a group of people who have only known one country must self-identify in a way that makes them seem like they recently

I don't mind being associated with Africa—I mind the double-standard that I'm called "African-American" when my family has been in America for 12+ generations and has no real ties to Africa, while my white friends (whose families emigrated 3-4 generations ago) are simply called, and self-identify, as American in

I'm black. Not African American. I cringe when I hear that term. It's not accurate, and I don't think it properly reflects how we got here or what we are.

Well technically because I believe penises count as meat? Sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry.

Haha exactly. Half of my destroyed dresses are because someone was dancing around with red wine near me (before my mother taught me the soda water trick). I don't think they understand that party dresses for young party people are almost disposable items unless you invest in some good drycleaning (although even

"First I'm a guy so please do not try calling me sweetheart in as if a little girl."

Yeah, it's like not being an asshole.

AND especially the 'TOO BUSY ASSHOLES' who think that whatever it is they are doing is the most important thing necessary to the success of the entire company and how dare you email them a question about a missing budget line when they are trying to get the company Twitter handle down? They just don't have time to

Wearing thin leggings as pants, wearing clear bra straps with a tube top, spitting on the sidewalk when someone is walking behind you, being rude to a barista, pronouncing mature 'ma-toor'....& the list goes on

I'm suing the guy from Indiana for claiming a Tyler Perry movie has a plot.