
After an Ex-friend slandered a friend and me, we found a way to get our revenge.  My classmate had been the victim of a prank where he got hundreds of catalogues for scientific equipment.  As part of that prank, he ended up with hundreds of business reply cards for these companies.  My classmate was more than happy to

The Huxley fans are too busy engaging in Orgy Porgy.

I’m not sure the airlines would be upset if you booked two round trips in that fashion (over Thanksgiving and Xmas). What they hate is when businesses use that practice for short-term trips. In those cases, they book the bogus return trips to overlap so they can’t be used.

In my home town of Toledo, Ohio, is the Toledo Museum of Art. There’s an Egyptology exhibit, Dutch Masters (Lots of Rembrandts), Impressionists (an early study of Monet’s Water Lilies), and more.

When our kids were born 28 years ago, I insisted we used cornstarch powder, because I didn’t like the idea of putting something that was mined on our kids’ butt. (I remember talc was mined from the Mohs’ scale in Junior High science class.)

I think they are a thing. They’re called “food trucks.”

How much garlic?

Mornings, except weekends. Unless I’m going in public on weekends. If not, then it’s evening because my wife won’t let me in the bedroom until I’ve showered.

You had me at gravy...

Is that why there’s a few frames of a pin ball machine in the movie trailer?