As a (video)gamer from 1976 (Pong), i still think E-Sports are bullshit.
As a (video)gamer from 1976 (Pong), i still think E-Sports are bullshit.
Hmmm, I remember seeing him in Memory Den and Diamond City, but it never occurred to me they were all the same person. In the back of my mind, I just figured this is a game so they probably recycled character models.
Maybe the secret is good dialog choices hidden somewhere in the game.
EA access really isn’t a bad deal. It’s probably the only thing they’ve done right in forever.
Only giving folks 500 gigs on both systems when they launched was not very forward thinking for systems that are supposed to last longer then five years. But then I’m up to 2tb in my PS4 and only have 840 gigs remaining, which will likely be filled up by the end of summer. If there was only 3-4tb drives that fit in…
A deranged tyrant who runs a technologically backwards country? Mac is EXACTLY what I’d expect.
Weird. Who knew game performance was case-sensitive?
“’I can’t tell you that you can play the whole game without violence – that’s not necessarily a goal of ours,’ Howard told The Guardian.”
Then you didn’t intend to make a Fallout game.
Bethseda Furious — Want Exclusive Rights to Break Their Own Games
same engine = same universe
Aside from it being pretty pointless and not very indicative of the overall quality of the game, I do like to say that I’d like as vast a map as possible.
I’m not concerned with map size and, if anything, I can appreciate a small more condensed map. Open world games as of late are content with putting us on these huge maps full of walking/running/riding but very little to do in between. The Witcher 3 mitigates this by at least giving tons of herbs/items along the way…
Based on my experience with Fallout 3 compared to Skyrim, Fallout 3 was a much more barren place, with much larger ‘desolate empty desert’ areas then Skyrim had empty areas.
I must admit I have been really curious how big the map is. Quality over Quantity is great but I like Quality and Quantity. Well even if it is small I am sure I will be spending 1000 hours running around it anyways.
Or like in the first Civ, when you have APCs and tanks before 1100 AD and they're threatening you to get access to the fabled technology known as "wheel".