Will Race For Food

Just got the invitation to join yesterday and, since all I spend money on lately is racing, created a tribe for those who race and want to read about the exploits of like minded individuals. It’s all nice and well reading about Loeb, but do you know what it looks and feels like taking part in your first gymkhana

However, some people are giving out invites right here on oppo, so if you can still find someone, you can get access right away

Yep, you only could’ve got one if you registered for their updates a while back. Still, it’ll be open for public very soon (November 28th), at which time it’d be great to see you join this tribe (in addition to a bunch of others), so that it is easier to keep up with your racing than here on oppo :)

With a rear wheel drive it’s not that difficult to go sideways, especially for show. Just go to a few drift practices and you’ll be set :)

Cool video, but there are a few things that were not really covered, I think:

I suppose that’s true, although I’ve only felt a real need for AWD just a few times in my life, and none of those were on an actual road.

Unless you live in a swamp with no roads, you don’t really need AWD as long as you have good tires

What have you done so far?

Sure, in that case you’re absolutely correct :)

15-20k USD will maybe be enough to make your car look like a WRC car from 20 feet away.