Will Parry

I love that so many of your articles are about viewing spec fic through the lens of parenthood. Really cool thing to see on io9.

I am watching Arrow S4 right now (5 episodes down) and even knowing what is going to happen to you-know-who...I don’t get the hate? It is way more fun than Season 3, it has a great scenery-chewing villain, and it is faster-paced. It is easily better than the 5 episodes of S2 of the Flash that I’ve seen. Heck, even

“A precise hit will start a chain reaction which should destroy the station. Only a precise hit will set off a chain reaction. The shaft is ray-shielded, so you’ll have to use proton torpedoes.”

The movie works better with only Vader, and no counter to his powers.

I think one of the reasons they’re playing it up is because, well, we’ve had 5 films that DIDN’T connect to the MCU, and they need to get people to come and see this. The idea of Spidey in the world of the Avengers is a pretty exciting one to a lot of people, and it makes for something obviously unique (and cool) that

The Revenge of the Sith novelization is one of the best Star Wars novels period. I highly recommend reading it. Matthew Stover is just so incredibly good.

How is this inappropriate??

Oh, you mean one of the most visually exciting and creative mainstream comics in history? yeah, it’d really suck if that all went away...

Katherine- please stop aiming a gun at Quetown to make him click your links, and return all the money he paid to read this.

Honestly, I credit Bear McCreary for putting a spotlight on TV music. Prior to Battlestar Galactica, TV music was largely forgettable space-filler. With Battlestar, it became a character all its own.

I personally love “Taking A Stand” from the Winter Solider. It’s a great running track.

Avengers, AoU, Iron Man 1 and 3, Captain America all have themes I could easily recall and hum.

I feel like the video that was highlighted (and likely spawned this article) is little disingenuous from the start. First, the ask people to hum music from franchises that have multiple films all with very similar, if not identical themes that tie the franchise together. Those people then proceed to all hum the SAME

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I also forgot the new Star Trek theme as being distinctive, hummable, and adventurous:

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I don’t know.. Iron Man 3's theme was pretty great:

I cannot think of any other example of such a monumental level of closure being provided long after the end of a series — decades after, in this case. The closest thing that I can think of is the ending of Sub-Zero providing closure for the character of Mr. Freeze after the entire run of Batman: TAS. But the gap in

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For me this one will always have personal connection. Sarek NOT respecting Spock for being in Starfleet.

The detective thriller movie Taken Lives with Angelina Jolie opens on a shot of this tagged with “Montreal Canada:”

Well, if they got the DC Metro right, 1/3rd of the film would be people going up and down escalators. Especially if any of it took place in DuPont Circle